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Moderator(s) recruitment


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I'm looking for at least one native Chinese speaker, who also speaks English (or French), to be a moderator of this forum.

Moderators tasks are (not exhaustive) :
* move posts in good forum sections,
* split and merge threads if needed,
* pacify hot threads,
* close too hot or beside the point threads,
* report community's requests and problems, spam, etc. to the team,
* etc.

If you are interested, please send me a PM with the subject :
"Candidate as moderator in Chinese forum"

Long time and active members will have preference.

If you are not interested, you can anyway help by suggesting one or more persons from this community forum that you would see as an active and effective moderator.

Once these moderators will be designated, if you meet problems with them, don't hesitate to report this to me by PM or e-mail.


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chui en france..je parle fr et cn couranment..je debute prestashop assez recenment...je peux donner des aide ....
mai chui qd meme tres occupe en etude ...et mon autoentrepreneur.....si vous avez besoin quelques chose en chinois je peut t aide ......vou pouve me joindre en me pm ou envoy un mail

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