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Can't enable/disable shop from BO after moving to a new serwer

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I have working store based on 1.5.6. I disabled the store FO access via BO for some admin work.


Then I moved my shop to a new server. I recreated the database, cleared both SMARTY cache folders and the template cache folder.


I recreadted robots.txt file and the .htaccess file.


Global www and ftp root paths on a new server ar same as it was on old server.


The store itself (front office) is working all fine. I also have no problems on the back office.

Apart of just one thing - when I try to enable the store from MAINTANANCE tab I am getting blank page.

When I try to save maintanance IP's I am getting blank page too.


I can save all other sattings on the BO with no problem.


I enabled the store by editing PS_SHOP_ENABLE directly in the database. But my question is.....


What could be the problem for which I am getting the blank page when I try to save those settings (no blank page when saving other settings). Also, changed (updated) value is not stored into the database.



Edited by a_smith (see edit history)
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