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How to can i adapt this code to prestashop?

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So i installed a plugin in a wordpress blog that had the option to actually use the same "plugin" in any website, (the plugin is the facebook lightbox promoter premium plugin).


My question is: how could i adapt this code (which is the one you should use for external pages):


<!-- begin facebook page promoter lightbox -->

<script>var lb_l_ret = {"fb_id":"649923795034573","appid":"370706146385249","website":"http:\/\/fioridiloto.be-openminded.com","show_once":"0","delay":"3000","mab":"","facebookheader":"","fblocale":"it_IT","width":"500","height":"360","overlaycolor":"#A12083","overlayop":"0.7","extracss":"background:#FFFFFF;","fbcolorscheme":"light","hideonlike":"1","connect":"1","cmessage":"Sei gia' una fan?","gaevent":"","mobile":"1","loggedin":"","jqueryneed":"","noconflict":""};
</script><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='all' href='http://fioridiloto.be-openminded.com/ffpl-js/facebook-lightbox.css' /><script src='http://fioridiloto.be-openminded.com/ffpl-js/facebook-lightbox.js'></script>

<!-- end facebook page promoter lightbox -->
into the header of prestashop (or somewhere else), for it to work (i know if i just insert it, the page will just crash or won't show what it's supposed to)

if it's impossible, could you recommend me a (preferably free) module that does the same thing as this plugin? (it's a pop-up facebook likebox) 

Thanks in advance, for your help.
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So the code would be like:

<!-- begin facebook page promoter lightbox -->

<script>var lb_l_ret = {"fb_id":"649923795034573","appid":"370706146385249","website":"http:\/\/fioridiloto.be-openminded.com","show_once":"0","delay":"3000","mab":"","facebookheader":"","fblocale":"it_IT","width":"500","height":"360","overlaycolor":"#A12083","overlayop":"0.7","extracss":"background:#FFFFFF;","fbcolorscheme":"light","hideonlike":"1","connect":"1","cmessage":"Sei gia' una fan?","gaevent":"","mobile":"1","loggedin":"","jqueryneed":"","noconflict":""};
</script><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='all' href='http://fioridiloto.be-openminded.com/ffpl-js/facebook-lightbox.css' /><script src='http://fioridiloto.be-openminded.com/ffpl-js/facebook-lightbox.js'></script>

<!-- end facebook page promoter lightbox -->



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Thank you very much! i tried it and it worked perfectly!,


so is this all you have to do to add simple html code to the prestashop theme header? to add the literal tag?, 

i know this is a litte bit off-topic but where can i get this kind of information? does prestashop have some guide or something?

and how can i mark this thread as solved?

Edited by elpanda13 (see edit history)
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i know this is a litte bit off-topic but where can i get this kind of information? does prestashop have some guide or something?

it's not related to prestashop, it's a SMARTY, smarty is a template engine http://www.smarty.net/

you need to follow smarty standards :)


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