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Image thumbnail does not updated on backend order page


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this is because images in order history are "cached" and aren't related to actual pictures. This is because of potential problems after removing the product from BO.


let me explain. 

1) someone bought product 1

2) images of product are cached and copied to "temp" directory

3) after some time you removed product from back office.

4) orders history displays cached picture near removed product 1 (in each customer order)


without this feature, customers will not see any picture, moreover, they will see empty <img> tag.



conclusion: This is how prestashop works.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for your clarification. However, is there any ways to improve the process so that we can update the images sucessfully? It is annoying to see old photos of the items on customers' orders.

this is because images in order history are "cached" and aren't related to actual pictures. This is because of potential problems after removing the product from BO.


let me explain. 

1) someone bought product 1

2) images of product are cached and copied to "temp" directory

3) after some time you removed product from back office.

4) orders history displays cached picture near removed product 1 (in each customer order)


without this feature, customers will not see any picture, moreover, they will see empty <img> tag.



conclusion: This is how prestashop works.

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  • 1 year later...


You can still delete the old pictures appearing on the back-end order page by simply deleting all the files except index.php from the img/tmp directory in the root of PrestaShop. This should force PrestaShop to regenerate all the Back Office image thumbnails.

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