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[SOLVED] Configuring css of blockcategories module

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I am unable to find the css for the categories menu (blockcategories module), where I want to change so that on a:hover the background color of the <td> changes, or at least the color of the text. By default, a:hover in the sub menues seem to be light gray, as per the attached screenshot.


I just cannot find this in the global.css or anywhere else. 


Any help appreciated. Thanks.




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Try this:


blockcategories.css  line 61


border-bottom:1px solid #e5e5e5;
.tptn-vertical-mega-menu .menu .sub li.mega-hdr li {}
.tptn-vertical-mega-menu .menu .sub li a {padding:4px 5px;}
.tptn-vertical-mega-menu .menu .sub li a:hover {background:#f5f5f5; color:#333;}
.tptn-vertical-mega-menu .menu .sub ul li { }
Change the #f5f5f5; to whatever you want


Edited by Paulito (see edit history)
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thank you for positing solution Paulito

i marked this thread as [solved]


btw. jensleo, you can also mark own topics as solved

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