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Answer from developers would be appreciated
Issue: Identical with PVR posted on 30th Aug 2009

Platform: Debian, Mysql 5.0.45, PHP 5.2.5
Browser message: Connection Interrupted, The document contains no data. The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again.
Same error in the BO categories 2nd page, filters (not solved in 1.2.4 from my point of view)

Firebug 1.2 : Failed to load source for: authentication.php
No errors in the log files (incl CGI), No ssl
As far as I understand can be only 2 issues:

1. DB bug following upgrade to 1.2.4 (from
2. Nginx proxy buffers

Can a developer advise or post:
A. Typical nginx buffers for prestashop to work properly (on my server: proxy_buffers at the system/apache/nginx config settings is 192 64k)
B. Typical ini.php for prestashop 1.2.4

On your download page mention that authentication is impossible under PHP 5.2.1 and 5.2.6. I would ask you if not nginx may be the reason?


P.S. Patric mentioned in a post patience = virtue, I would say, promptitude =professionalism

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hi, as irl says, there's another thread about this issue, i've also posted there... i've the same problem and i'm starting to fall in despair... i needed the issue solved long ago, i can't delay any more the realease of the store... i'm not as skilled as irl, in fact i don't undestand his post with that nginx stuff.. i'll apreciate an answer for a mere mortal like me... please gods heeeelp!!

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