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Shipping cost by kg

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Hello everyone,


I would appreciate any response to my question. I see that there are similar posts, so other people might have the same problem


Unless I misunderstood, the shipping cost in Weight Range is fixed for all the range.


Case 1: Weight Range: 10-15 kg - Price: 2 Euro.

This means that the shipping cost will be 2 Euros for any quantity between 10kg and 15kg.


I suppose that the code for the calculation of the shipping cost is something like:
Lookup for the shipping cost for this weight range


Case 2: I don’t know how it works in the other countries, but our carriers in Greece would charge:

-   a fixed rate for the first weight range (eg: 0 - 2 kg - 6 Euros) and

-   per kg for the rest of the quantity (eg: 2 - 50kg,  1,5 Euro per kg).


So a pack weighting 10kg would have a shipping cost: 6 + (10-2)*1,5 = 18 Euro


In this case the code for the calculation of the shipping cost would be something like this:

  1. P1 = the price from the first Weight Range
  2. W = the weight of the order
  3. W1 = the max weight from the first Weight Range
  4. W2 = Subtract W1 from W : (W-W1)
  5. P2 = the price for the W2 Weight Range
  6. Shipping cost = P1+ W2*P2


Case 3: A simplified method would be to just multiply the weight with the price of the 1 and only Weight Range

  1. P = the price from the first and only Weight Range
  2. W = the weight of the order
  3. Shipping cost = W*P


My question is:

Can I modify the code so that the shipping cost is calculated according to Case 2 or Case 3?

And if so, how and where is this code?  




Edited by Nikolas Reissis (see edit history)
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Partialy solved Case 3


Case 3: A simplified method would be to just multiply the weight with the price of the 1 and only Weight Range

  1. P = the price from the first and only Weight Range
  2. W = the weight of the order
  3. Shipping cost = W*P




In Carrier.php line 250-253 I added * $total_weight. So now the Weight Range price is considered to be the per kg cost and not a fixed price

if (!isset($result['price']))
self::$price_by_weight[$cache_key] = $this->getMaxDeliveryPriceByWeight($id_zone) * $total_weight;//added  * $total_weight;
self::$price_by_weight[$cache_key] = $result['price'] * $total_weight;//added  * $total_weight;
It seems to be working. And even better it calculates the price of the correct Weight Range, so we can have as many Weight Ranges as we wish.
I am new to PHP so I am not sure that everything is OK. Also I don't know how to make Case 2
Any help?  
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