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redirect all old urls to new prestashop


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Hi all


I hope someone can help. I have made a new presta shop site and need to redirect all the old website urls to the new site. I have tried editing thing in the htaccess file but it either stops the whole site working or does nothing. is there an easy way to do this?




old site



new site




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Hi  Vekia


thanks for the reply, the old website is gone I am using the same domain for the new site. What I am trying to do is get all the old pages that are indexed by google to goto the new sites home page. To try to explain google has 300 pages from the old site indexed they all start www.xyz.com\acatalog\ when I click on them it takes me to the prestashop 404 page I want them  to goto the new homepage. Hope that makes it more understandable.



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if you moved all files to root dir of your domain, then you can use the same code i mentioned above too. It will redirect all links from /catalog/ to root dir of your domain.


in directory /acatalog/ create only one file: .htaccess with code that i mentioned above. 301 redirection is perfect for google robots :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 6 years later...

i have moved my domain and got the url redirect issue


https://smithikamobiles.in/en/headphones/127-366-philips-she1505-wired-headset-with-mic-black-in-the-ear.html#/11-color-black - oldsite url

https://smithikakart.in/#/11-color-black its redirected to here

same product new url is : https://smithikakart.in/headphones/127-366-philips-she1505-wired-headset-with-mic-black-in-the-ear.html#/11-color-black


language en is the problem here i have shared my smithikamobiles.in domain .htaccess




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  • 7 months later...

Hi, I am hoping to get some help. I am struggling with redirecting my urls which I have 84 to do.

3 example are as below -

tillrollsonline.co.uk/index.php?id_product=12&controller=product https://www.tillrollsthermal.co.uk/till-rolls/a-grade-paper-till-rolls/37x70mm-a-grade-till-rolls
tillrollsonline.co.uk /index.php?id_product=14&controller=product https://www.tillrollsthermal.co.uk/single-ply-paper/44x70mm-a-grade-till-rolls
tillrollsonline.co.uk/index.php?id_product=13&controller=product https://www.tillrollsthermal.co.uk/till-rolls/44x80-a-grade-till-rolls

I am going from tillrollsonline.co.uk to tillrollsthermal.co.uk

I think my problem is due to the URL having index.php in?

I hope someone may be able to help me.

Thank you in advance.

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