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customoize default CSS/Style

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I want to customoize default CSS/Style of the current prestashop theme. I have used firebug and chrome developer tool to do some modifications for the existing style. But I have no idea how to to keep those changes fixed for the theme. 


Could you please give me a complete guide to how how customize theme + style ?


Is there a custom.css or some thing on the template which we can use for use our own styles ?


Thanks & Regards


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to customize css styles you have to, for examle, you want to change backgrund color:

i suppose that you dealing with css styles marked in red rectangle above.

in this case ,you have to open global.css file located in your theme directory (for default theme: /themes/default/css/global.css) and near line nb 53 you've got code:

body {
font: normal 11px/14px Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
color: #222;
background: #fff;

you have to change background: #FFF; param;


and you have to do the same for all other changes you made in developer tools

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After each update - you update core and also theme. It mean that it will be overwrited. if you will use different theme (not default) everything will be allright. 

i suppose that you want to use default one. If so, just change directory name to default2 and change theme in back office (preferneces > themes)

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