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Save prestashop order as text file


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Is there any way of saving the orders as a text(txt) file, after the customers order? because i am making a system for a sms printer, that need to print the orders out, after they out, but there is only 2 ways.. In a messed up string like so:


#55*2*27*Quantity,Order name%%%%,*;;39.00;;Firstname lastname;;;;7;;12232255*#



Like that, or the orders could be saved in a txt format, which the printer can read from.. Thanks in advance.



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I need a tools that export automatically txt orders for each order.

Important it will be in a specific format....


#55*2*27*Quantity,Order name%%%%,*;;39.00;;Firstname lastname;;;;7;;12232255*#


And each file must have order number in a tile

Es. 003456.txt



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