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SORTED problem with carriage charges

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I have set different ranges in shipping for different weights. I have also put a weight in each product. why does the shipping cost not go up when the weight goes up.


1 item weighs 2kg

shipping ranges is set 0.01 to 2.00kg = £4.00 then 2.01 to 4.00kg= £5.00 etc

why is it when I sell 2 or 3 items shipping is still only £4.00?

your help would be appreciated

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Hi. You might have sorted this by now, but I had a similar problem. I use RM 1st and 2nd class. 2nd class masimum weight is 1kg but this option was still showing when the cart weighed over 1kg. The solution was simple - in Back Office/Shipping/Carriers, click to edit the relevant shipping option and then select "disable carrier" under "Out Of Range Behaviour"

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