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Problem was corrected but the error was within the script

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Pestashop asked for details that I created and would not accept them which is probly what most people were complaining about when they said that they could not get passed step 3. That is because the database username and passwords that you may have created in MySql would not work or connect instead my install only worked when I provided my cpanel log in details. I changed that info then the script would not work and the database would not connect on the admin nor the user sides.

I elected to go into the config files and make a few changes and the script started working. I will assume tha this was an honest mistake, perhaps the developer was really sleepy or tired when they were creating or working on that part to fthe script. I forgive you script developers..lol

this is what I had

define('_DB_SERVER_', 'localhost'); ( This was Correct!
define('_DB_TYPE_', 'MySQL'); ( This was Correct!
define('_DB_NAME_', 'sqorg_pressp1'); ( This was Correct!
define('_DB_USER_', 'sqorg'); ( This was not Correct! I had to change
define('_DB_PASSWD_', 'sean1013'); This was my cpanel login but I changed that
define('_DB_PREFIX_', 'ps_');
define('__PS_BASE_URI__', '/');
define('_THEME_NAME_', 'prestashop');
define('_COOKIE_KEY_', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxJxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxjXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');
define('_COOKIE_IV_', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx');
define('_PS_CREATION_DATE_', '2009-09-16');
define('_PS_VERSION_', '');

My site is working now but I think I may try to install the later version

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This file contains the DB connection parameters you type on step 3 of the installation.

If there was a wrong parameter, this is because YOU did enter it.

It seems (according to your other posts) that you have some problems to determine which are your correct logins/passwords. But please stop complaining about the script has it runs like any other PHP script requiring DB connection would run.

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Hello, Blaqiron
i see many post about your problem this day (17 september 2009)
i hope i can solve your problem.
First, You install, in step 3, system configuration, the database can not connect
and then you use cpanel login and password as database user, so.. database is connected and then move on to install Prestashop until finish.
then when you change cpanel password the database can not connected again, right ?

login to CPANEL or similar things
please, change your database username password....

don’t use special characters in your mysql password


then maybe fresh install would be good

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I elected to go into the config files and make a few changes and the script started working. I will assume tha this was an honest mistake, perhaps the developer was really sleepy or tired when they were creating or working on that part to fthe script. I forgive you script developers..lol

I think we shall forgive you for maken us have to deal with the complaining about an error you made yourself.

My site is working now but I think I may try to install the later version

I think it is better you do NOT do that, I fear that we will see another 3topics(!) about yet another mistake you make.

If there was an error with the script, why are you the ONLY one having issues?
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