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[SOLVED] Prestashop Google Indexed links adding ?controller=404 to the end of url

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hi guys...


I have a massive issue with my prestashop install.


I have friendly URLs enabled, and my server htaccess file has been configured and mod_rewrite has been turned on. I turned this on at both the root of my hosting and on the specific domain name to make sure its working.


I have also upgraded to the latest prestashop install,


The problem i am having is that when my pages are being indexed by google, the url is correct - but upon clicking the url a "?controller=404" is added to the end of it so the user is redirected to the 404 page. If you remove this "?controller=404" from the end of the url, the link works perfectly.


I have enabled / disabled friendly URLS... i have deleted and regenerated my htaccess to try and resolve the problem - with no success.


I have even used google webmaster tools to recrawl my website...generated a google sitemap in the prestashop admin area and uploaded it to webmaster tools...with no success.


The problem is that the URL google has indexed is correct...but for some reason this is being added to the end.


please help... this is a huge issue for me

Edited by El Patron (see edit history)
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can you try disable apache multivews, set to 'yes'.

then clear browse cache and cookies


and click form google link




what is odd is that  google shows the correct url



which has this link:



so it makes me think that your shop  is not able to build the correct link from this

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I have disabled apache multiviews.. but still have the same problem.


The shop does seem to be building the URLs correctly...because the url works perfectly if u remove the 404 comment at the end.


if you look at the htaccess there is a conditional statement towards the end which redirects to a 404 if mod_rewrite isnt enabled....

but as we can see from the links being displayed and my htaccess file - mod_rewrite IS enabled... otherwise it wouldnt be generating the friendly URLS.


This is one of the weirdest anomalies ive ever seen. Doesnt make sense...

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for a reason as yet unkown, and what it looks like to me is that ps is not handling the link passed by google, it seems to get confused after the category and then add's the 404 controller.


re the link


try turning off automatically redirect to canonical url...and retest


I check the ErrorDocument, even checked the code...it add's that to all .htaccess...you could add a # to disable it and test...


you may need to open a forge report on this one...as it appears to be  outside my pay grade, which is 0 :)

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I just want to cry..jajajaja...


I check some of my url's out of google...they work of course...but they are no different really than your google  urls...


this a windows sever by any chance?


off to watch tv with the boss..


personally, I'd  open a forge bug report...



I've always had good service from the ps team if I document my problem.

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basically...when i setup the shop... i must've entered the url as michaeljacksoncostumestore.com (without the www.)


now... in the multishop menu...for some reason it was changed to www.michaeljacksoncostumestore.com... and last week i got a message on the backend of the shop advising me that my multishop url was different to my shop url under general settings... so i changed it to www.michaeljacksoncostumestore.com... as suggested


so just now, i re-enabled multishop - removed the www.  - saved and disabled multishop


then i went back to general and changed the url to remove the www. and saved it ...and voila!!

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HI, as I see you remove the www from both multiview and then from general settings, In my case, the settings were without www and I noticed I had the ending controller=404 appendedd when clicking on links embeded in product descriptions. I changed the links from absolute to relative and things got better   :) Just change from http://www.site.com/somepage.html to /somapage.html. 

Another thing I've noticed is that when domain is set to www.site.com in Preference->Seo and Urls, then your absolute links should look like http://www.site.com/somepage.html and vice versa. If the domain is just site.com, then absolute links should look like http://site.com/somepage.html. If there is mismatch, prestashop adds immediately controller=404, when the link is clicked.

Edited by viktor123 (see edit history)
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