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different customer group dependent on customers order count

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Following problem:


For example if a customer has already made 5 orders and payed reliably I want to offer him aditional paying methods.

This requires to create a customer group where you can distinguish the group by the amount of orders a customer has made.


This is not possible by default prestashop (v ... as it seems?


Thanks, cf

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I don't know if there is a module or something like that for your issue.

You could probably solve it with a little php-script.


something like that:


$host = "yourhost";
$user = "youruser";
$pass = "yourpass";
$db = "yourdb";

mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass);

$query = "SELECT * FROM ps_customer_group";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("MySQL-Error: " . mysql_error());

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))

    $query2 = "SELECT sum(total_paid_real) as total FROM ps_orders WHERE id_customer =" . $row["id_customer"];
    $result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die ("MySQL-Error: " . mysql_error());
    while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
        if ($row2["total"] >= 1000) {
            $query3 = "UPDATE ps_customer_group SET id_group = 3 WHERE id_customer = " . $row["id_customer"];
            mysql_query($query3) or die ("MySQL-Error: " . mysql_error());
        } elseif ($row2["total"] > 100 && $row2["total"] < 1000) {
            $query3 = "UPDATE ps_customer_group SET id_group = 2 WHERE id_customer = " . $row["id_customer"];
            mysql_query($query3) or die ("MySQL-Error: " . mysql_error());
        } else {
            $query3 = "UPDATE ps_customer_group SET id_group = 1 WHERE id_customer = " . $row["id_customer"];
            mysql_query($query3) or die ("MySQL-Error: " . mysql_error());

echo "done!";


Im not a programmer so the code won't be well written.

But something like that should do the job.

ATTENTION: I did NOT test the code so please don't copy-paste it without looking through!!!


It goes through all the customers and checks their total order amount.

Depending on their cumulated order amount it sets the group-value.


You could create a CRON-Job which runs the script every x hours or just run it manually.


Hope it helps

Edited by Qvixx (see edit history)
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