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[SOLVED]Moving PrestaShop to another server with different port

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I'm trying to move my PrestaShop site on another computer with different sever Port, but I can't make it work still. I changed the db configuration settings in file -> config/settings.inc And the connection with the database works properly on the new machine. I changed the values for new server port in the database as well -> table ps_configuration, rows: PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL, I deleted prestashop's cache files, as well browser cache, but nothings seems to work, Prestashop still tries to load the site on the old server port.. There is probably somewhere else configuration for the server port, but I can't find it... If anyone has an idea about it?


Thank you.

Edited by itdes (see edit history)
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I am developing the site on one computer and I wanted to have it available for testing on another computer, which is running the apache server on different port, both servers are on different computers and are running on different ports, one is on port 8000, this is where the shop was first installed on, and the other is on 8100, so when I try to start the Prestashop site on the second computer with server on port 8100, the site keeps on trying to load on port 8000, even though I changed the port number in the database for PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL.

Edited by itdes (see edit history)
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Table `ps_configuration`, 2 rows with column `name`: PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL for their column `value` is where the port should be changed. And in table `ps_shop_url` I have only one row, so the columns I hat to change with the new port are `domain` and `domain_ssl`.

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  • 6 months later...

PrestaShop v1.6 runs fine on port 80 but I can't get the shop to run on port 8080 (the admin site does work over port 8080 though...),

What I have done so far:

.) changed httpd.conf to make Apache to listen to port 8080

.) changed httpd_vhosts.conf to make PrestaShop to listen to port 8080

.) restartet APACHE

.) updated PS_configuration_table and set PS_SHOP_DOMAIN to

.) updated IPTABLES to allow communicaiton on port 8080


but it still doesn't work...Any idea as to what I am missing?




just found out that this was a bug which got fixed in v1.4.7 so how comes I still have this issue in v1.6?


Edited by mediterano (see edit history)
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