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I have updated my prestashop from to and as it looked well soon after I run upgrade to


Then I noticed two problems (they might have already happened after upgrade to 1.5.5):

1. at the backoffice->catalog->products->edit product.  I can not switch to other tabs than the main info

2. some product images have disappeared - I found that most of them is still in the main folder img/p as in the old way. Unfortunatelly "move images" button did not help.


I thought these problems are connected with possibly unsuccessfull upgrade so tried to reinstall it manually (e.g. folder /classes) and now I got blank screen in both front office and back office.


I turned on the errors and now in both FO and BO I get error:

Fatal error: Class 'Tools' not found in /.../public_html/config/config.inc.php on line 66


I checked that file /classes/Tools.php exists and even set rights to 777 to make sure it is not connected with authority.


Unfortunatelly this problem occured only on my production shop (>30k products) so I need urgent help.

Could You please advise?


Thank You in adance



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Hello, first I would suggest to revert to your backup of 1.5.5 . From there, I would test it to make sure you solve any errors you can before upgrading it.



Is it possible to do this? Also, you should really duplicate your database and files to a test subdomain on the same server to test any upgrades before you upgrade your live store. 

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Thank You for reply.

Unfortunatelly I am not able to get back to previous version and just need to solve this issue as soon as possible.


Have You got any idea why the file /classes/Tools.php is not visible for this script? I set 777 rights to make sure that authority is not a problem.


I can live (for some time) without some images or the functionality of product edit, but I can't live with white screen..


By the way, all the source files should be saved in UTF8, UTF8 without BOM, or ANSI?

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Ok, for now I solved the main issue and shop seems to be working - it was caused by cache.

I have deleted the file /cache/class_index.php and it forced the classes to be reloaded (as described: http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS15/Overriding+default+behaviors)


But I still have problems:

1. not working button "move images" (and missing images for lots of products)

2. not working tabs other than main info in backoffice->catalog->product edit


I have installed some thid party modules which might have created another overrides changing the way of work in these situations.

Could You please point me the controller or class names that I should verify if are overriden in these cases?


The strange thing is that although I still have enabled display errors there are no errors neither in log nor displayed on the screen in both cases.


Have You got any other ideas why it is not working?


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  • 2 weeks later...


I found that the issue with product edit tabs is caused by one of the modules using jquery.fancybox-pack.js - I found the way to solve it.


I am still looking for the solution of not working button "move images". I click it, then confirm this step and finally reveive information that images were moved, but nothing happens - images are still in /img/p/ and there are no copies of these images in the directories like img/p/1/3/4/6/...


Any advice would be appreciated


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Benjamin Utterback,


After upgrading my prestashop site back office and front office 1.3.3 to 1.5.6 I have some problem in my testimonial module.

i m not able to see client testimonial in it .it show only empty quote "" .it doesn't show any text in it.

Please give a solution asap.




Edited by Ganesh Hipparkar (see edit history)
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Hello   Benjamin Utterback,



this is the link of my store




After upgrading my prestashop site back office and front office 1.3.3 to 1.5.6 I have some problem in my testimonial module.

i m not able to see client testimonial in it .it show only empty quote "" .it doesn't show any text in it.i have the testimonial in my database then also it does not show anything

Please give a solution asap.




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