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authentification forte sur le backoffice

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je voudrais savoir si, parmis vous, quelqu'un a déja fait de l'authentification forte sur un backoffice prestashop

ou aurais intégrer un dongle usb a l'authentification du back office


par exemple une yubikey

ou un dongle usb 

ou une recherche de certificat?


je me suis intéressé a la yubikey, il existe déjà un plugin sur Wordpress


et ce que l'intégration du code yubikey vous semble simple? accessible a un newbe?



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Regardez du coté de Google Authenticator : http://addons.prestashop.com/en/administration-tools-prestashop-modules/5831-google-authenticator-back-office-security-module.html


Un module pour PS avec double authentification.


Mais bon avec un MDP fort et un htpasswd c'est déjà pas mal non?


Et bienvenue sur le forum, faudra aussi vous présenter.



Edited by ckarone (see edit history)
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  • 4 months later...

Hi PrestaShop Developers & Community ,

Are already aware that there are two modules downloaded for a money from Market Place of PrestaShop, one for the 2FA - Two Factor Authentication (eg. Google) and one for the USB Dongle Authentication (eg. Yubikey) but given the current and critical importance of data security and therefore access to the backend via the administrative side of our ecommerce sites are really convinced that these resources should be developed natively and directly for free by PrestaShop and included in the basic version of the program (PrestaShop Core, eg v1.6.x) as it would always be on time and date together with PrestaShop and then it would not ever fail development because if the contrary continue to be developed by the community may at any time be abandoned and no longer updated or made available.

PrestaShop is one of the best ecommerce software ever and at the same time a large business enterprise has always been attentive to the demands of the community and for this I am convinced that my request will be , I hope, be taken into account , because of data security is no laughing , is a serious thing, and also because I believe that would make another step forward in what is already the splendid reality of PrestaShop so that we can say with the release of the new version :


"Hey we have always been there for PrestaShop Ecommerce Software Free Number 1 in the world with over 310 built-in functions included with the upcoming release of the new update to the 1.6.x version of PrestaShop in addition to new implementations as Bootstrap 3.0, FontAwesome , Sass Compass , Data Driven Documents (D3) , Forecast Statistics, KPI (Key Performance Indicator) , Live Templates Edit feature Comparison , Rich Menu, Quick View , Safe Upgrade to New Version etc . , etc . , we also offer a new and important function that will add a new level of security with your Ecommerce the Native 2FA - Two Factor Authentication (eg. Google) + USB Dongle Authentication (eg. Yubikey) all in one".

For this reason, and with great humility, I'm here to ask you to include in PrestaShop a native 2FA - Two Factor Authentication (eg. Google) + USB Dongle Authentication (eg. Yubikey) all in one for access to the administrative backend developed by PrestaShop and included in the free version of the software (PrestaShop Core).

Thanks in advance for your time, wishing you a good day and a good job.

Sincerely, Fabio Perri.


P.S. : Already reported as improvement by me in the forge of PrestaShop (http://www.forge.prestashop.com) with reference PSCSX-823 .

If you want to participate in this discussion (with suggestions, criticisms and ideas) about my request, this is the link to the forum thread for PrestaShop :

Edited by Fabio Perri (see edit history)
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