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Category image settings

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Morning fellow Presta's...

I have a small issue with the images that the category page uses. When the picture has been uploaded, even to specific size (722 x 217), the shop I presume resizes or re-encodes the picture to a very low degree of quality. Consequently, I am uploading a hi-res picture, and it's being murked by whatevers happening behind the scenes and leaving me with some awful looking category heading pictures. I've tried deleting the pictures I have uploaded via the backoffice through the FTP, and then uploading them manually again via FTP, but the shop still seems to take said picture and mess it up again for me after displaying it only once in the correct hi-res format. Imagery is everything though, and poor image work I think leads to a poor looking shop! Any help or hints as to how to rectify this (i assume probably quite a simple problem) would be much appreciated!!!

Thanks in advance guys!!

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right this was solved by reconfiguring the settings in "Preferences > Image" ...

I can only guess the default size of category images (500 x 150) was different from my themes larger size (722 x 217) :) once I'd matched the two in the above settings panel, the resizing quality loss didn't occur.

Hope this helps someone!

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