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Change contact us link

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where you've got contact us link ?

i see it in two places:


1) permanent links

2) footer



1) you have to edit link manually in block permanent links module template file

2) the same for footer, you can do it in block cms module .tpl file


other way to achieve it unfortunately doesn't exist.

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ok thank you

if you want to change contact link on all available pages it will be much easier to modify controller.


so open this file: classes/Link.php


you've got there function:

	public function getPageLink($controller, $ssl = false, $id_lang = null, $request = null, $request_url_encode = false, $id_shop = null)
		$controller = Tools::strReplaceFirst('.php', '', $controller);

		if (!$id_lang)
			$id_lang = (int)Context::getContext()->language->id;

		if (!is_array($request))
			// @FIXME html_entity_decode has been added due to '&' => '%3B' ...
			$request = html_entity_decode($request);
			if ($request_url_encode)
				$request = urlencode($request);
			parse_str($request, $request);

		if ($id_shop === null)
			$shop = Context::getContext()->shop;
			$shop = new Shop($id_shop);

		$uri_path = Dispatcher::getInstance()->createUrl($controller, $id_lang, $request, false, '', $id_shop);
		$url = ($ssl && $this->ssl_enable) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
		$url .= $shop->domain.$shop->getBaseURI().$this->getLangLink($id_lang, null, $id_shop).ltrim($uri_path, '/');
		return $url;

before the return $url;


add this code:

        if ($controller=="contact"){
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curious, (meaning I don't understand exactly)


the change would still point to the contact-us page yes or no?


if you just want to change the page title and friendly url could you not simply change preferences-->seo & url's-->modify the page title and friendly url to suit your needs.


sorry if I missed something. :)

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curious, (meaning I don't understand exactly)


the change would still point to the contact-us page yes or no?


if you just want to change the page title and friendly url could you not simply change preferences-->seo & url's-->modify the page title and friendly url to suit your needs.


sorry if I missed something. :)


he want to change all links to contact page to other one: http://www.joovuu.com/support/

it's a some kid of "support" application, it's not related to prestashop


he can of course change .tpl files one by one to add link to this new page manually, but it will be much faster to change controller as i suggested :) 

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I don't have that code anymore veika in my links.php file :S


This is what I have:



* 2007-2013 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
*  @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>
*  @copyright  2007-2013 PrestaShop SA
*  @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php  Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
*  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
class LinkCore
/** @var boolean Rewriting activation */
protected $allow;
protected $url;
public static $cache = array('page' => array());
public $protocol_link;
public $protocol_content;
protected $ssl_enable;
protected static $category_disable_rewrite = null;
 * Constructor (initialization only)
public function __construct($protocol_link = null, $protocol_content = null)
$this->allow = (int)Configuration::get('PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS');
$this->url = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
$this->protocol_link = $protocol_link;
$this->protocol_content = $protocol_content;
if (!defined('_PS_BASE_URL_'))
define('_PS_BASE_URL_', Tools::getShopDomain(true));
if (!defined('_PS_BASE_URL_SSL_'))
define('_PS_BASE_URL_SSL_', Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true));
if (Link::$category_disable_rewrite === null)
Link::$category_disable_rewrite = array(Configuration::get('PS_HOME_CATEGORY'), Configuration::get('PS_ROOT_CATEGORY'));
$this->ssl_enable = Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED');
* Create a link to delete a product
* @param mixed $product ID of the product OR a Product object
* @param int $id_picture ID of the picture to delete
* @return string
public function getProductDeletePictureLink($product, $id_picture)
$url = $this->getProductLink($product);
return $url.((strpos($url, '?')) ? '&' : '?').'&deletePicture='.$id_picture;
* Create a link to a product
* @param mixed $product Product object (can be an ID product, but deprecated)
* @param string $alias
* @param string $category
* @param string $ean13
* @param int $id_lang
* @param int $id_shop (since 1.5.0) ID shop need to be used when we generate a product link for a product in a cart
* @param int $ipa ID product attribute
* @return string
public function getProductLink($product, $alias = null, $category = null, $ean13 = null, $id_lang = null, $id_shop = null, $ipa = 0, $force_routes = false)
$dispatcher = Dispatcher::getInstance();
if (!$id_lang)
$id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id;
$url = $this->getBaseLink($id_shop).$this->getLangLink($id_lang, null, $id_shop);
if (!is_object($product))
if (is_array($product) && isset($product['id_product']))
$product = new Product($product['id_product'], false, $id_lang, $id_shop);
elseif ((int)$product)
$product = new Product((int)$product, false, $id_lang, $id_shop);
throw new PrestaShopException('Invalid product vars');
// Set available keywords
$params = array();
$params['id'] = $product->id;
$params['rewrite'] = (!$alias) ? $product->getFieldByLang('link_rewrite') : $alias;
$params['ean13'] = (!$ean13) ? $product->ean13 : $ean13;
$params['meta_keywords'] = Tools::str2url($product->getFieldByLang('meta_keywords'));
$params['meta_title'] = Tools::str2url($product->getFieldByLang('meta_title'));
if ($dispatcher->hasKeyword('product_rule', $id_lang, 'manufacturer', $id_shop))
$params['manufacturer'] = Tools::str2url($product->isFullyLoaded ? $product->manufacturer_name : Manufacturer::getNameById($product->id_manufacturer));
if ($dispatcher->hasKeyword('product_rule', $id_lang, 'supplier', $id_shop))
$params['supplier'] = Tools::str2url($product->isFullyLoaded ? $product->supplier_name : Supplier::getNameById($product->id_supplier));
if ($dispatcher->hasKeyword('product_rule', $id_lang, 'price', $id_shop))
$params['price'] = $product->isFullyLoaded ? $product->price : Product::getPriceStatic($product->id, false, null, 6, null, false, true, 1, false, null, null, null, $product->specificPrice);
if ($dispatcher->hasKeyword('product_rule', $id_lang, 'tags', $id_shop))
$params['tags'] = Tools::str2url($product->getTags($id_lang));
if ($dispatcher->hasKeyword('product_rule', $id_lang, 'category', $id_shop))
$params['category'] = (!is_null($product->category) && !empty($product->category)) ? Tools::str2url($product->category) : Tools::str2url($category);
if ($dispatcher->hasKeyword('product_rule', $id_lang, 'reference', $id_shop))
$params['reference'] = Tools::str2url($product->reference);
if ($dispatcher->hasKeyword('product_rule', $id_lang, 'categories', $id_shop))
$params['category'] = (!$category) ? $product->category : $category;
$cats = array();
foreach ($product->getParentCategories() as $cat)
if (!in_array($cat['id_category'], Link::$category_disable_rewrite))//remove root and home category from the URL
$cats[] = $cat['link_rewrite'];
$params['categories'] = implode('/', $cats);
$anchor = $ipa ? $product->getAnchor($ipa) : '';
return $url.$dispatcher->createUrl('product_rule', $id_lang, $params, $force_routes, $anchor, $id_shop);
* Create a link to a category
* @param mixed $category Category object (can be an ID category, but deprecated)
* @param string $alias
* @param int $id_lang
* @param string $selected_filters Url parameter to autocheck filters of the module blocklayered
* @return string
public function getCategoryLink($category, $alias = null, $id_lang = null, $selected_filters = null, $id_shop = null)
if (!$id_lang)
$id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id;
$url = $this->getBaseLink($id_shop).$this->getLangLink($id_lang, null, $id_shop);
if (!is_object($category))
$category = new Category($category, $id_lang);
// Set available keywords
$params = array();
$params['id'] = $category->id;
$params['rewrite'] = (!$alias) ? $category->link_rewrite : $alias;
$params['meta_keywords'] = Tools::str2url($category->meta_keywords);
$params['meta_title'] = Tools::str2url($category->meta_title);
// Selected filters is used by the module blocklayered
$selected_filters = is_null($selected_filters) ? '' : $selected_filters;
if (empty($selected_filters))
$rule = 'category_rule';
$rule = 'layered_rule';
$params['selected_filters'] = $selected_filters;
return $url.Dispatcher::getInstance()->createUrl($rule, $id_lang, $params, $this->allow, '', $id_shop);
* Create a link to a CMS category
* @param mixed $category CMSCategory object (can be an ID category, but deprecated)
* @param string $alias
* @param int $id_lang
* @return string
public function getCMSCategoryLink($cms_category, $alias = null, $id_lang = null, $id_shop = null)
if (!$id_lang)
$id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id;
$url = $this->getBaseLink($id_shop).$this->getLangLink($id_lang, null, $id_shop);
$dispatcher = Dispatcher::getInstance();
if (!is_object($cms_category))
if ($alias !== null && !$dispatcher->hasKeyword('cms_category_rule', $id_lang, 'meta_keywords', $id_shop) && !$dispatcher->hasKeyword('cms_category_rule', $id_lang, 'meta_title', $id_shop))
return $url.$dispatcher->createUrl('cms_category_rule', $id_lang, array('id' => (int)$cms_category, 'rewrite' => (string)$alias), $this->allow, '', $id_shop);
$cms_category = new CMSCategory($cms_category, $id_lang);
// Set available keywords
$params = array();
$params['id'] = $cms_category->id;
$params['rewrite'] = (!$alias) ? $cms_category->link_rewrite : $alias;
$params['meta_keywords'] = Tools::str2url($cms_category->meta_keywords);
$params['meta_title'] = Tools::str2url($cms_category->meta_title);
return $url.$dispatcher->createUrl('cms_category_rule', $id_lang, $params, $this->allow, '', $id_shop);
* Create a link to a CMS page
* @param mixed $cms CMS object (can be an ID CMS, but deprecated)
* @param string $alias
* @param bool $ssl
* @param int $id_lang
* @return string
public function getCMSLink($cms, $alias = null, $ssl = null, $id_lang = null, $id_shop = null)
if (!$id_lang)
$id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id;
$url = $this->getBaseLink($id_shop, $ssl).$this->getLangLink($id_lang, null, $id_shop);
$dispatcher = Dispatcher::getInstance();
if (!is_object($cms))
if ($alias !== null && !$dispatcher->hasKeyword('cms_rule', $id_lang, 'meta_keywords', $id_shop) && !$dispatcher->hasKeyword('cms_rule', $id_lang, 'meta_title', $id_shop))
return $url.$dispatcher->createUrl('cms_rule', $id_lang, array('id' => (int)$cms, 'rewrite' => (string)$alias), $this->allow, '', $id_shop);
$cms = new CMS($cms, $id_lang);
// Set available keywords
$params = array();
$params['id'] = $cms->id;
$params['rewrite'] = (!$alias) ? (is_array($cms->link_rewrite) ? $cms->link_rewrite[(int)$id_lang] : $cms->link_rewrite) : $alias;
$params['meta_keywords'] = '';
if (isset($cms->meta_keywords) && !empty($cms->meta_keywords))
$params['meta_keywords'] = is_array($cms->meta_keywords) ?  Tools::str2url($cms->meta_keywords[(int)$id_lang]) :  Tools::str2url($cms->meta_keywords);
$params['meta_title'] = '';
if (isset($cms->meta_title) && !empty($cms->meta_title))
$params['meta_title'] = is_array($cms->meta_title) ? Tools::str2url($cms->meta_title[(int)$id_lang]) : Tools::str2url($cms->meta_title);
return $url.$dispatcher->createUrl('cms_rule', $id_lang, $params, $this->allow, '', $id_shop);
* Create a link to a supplier
* @param mixed $supplier Supplier object (can be an ID supplier, but deprecated)
* @param string $alias
* @param int $id_lang
* @return string
public function getSupplierLink($supplier, $alias = null, $id_lang = null, $id_shop = null)
if (!$id_lang)
$id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id;
$url = $this->getBaseLink($id_shop).$this->getLangLink($id_lang, null, $id_shop);
$dispatcher = Dispatcher::getInstance();
if (!is_object($supplier))
if ($alias !== null && !$dispatcher->hasKeyword('supplier_rule', $id_lang, 'meta_keywords', $id_shop) && !$dispatcher->hasKeyword('supplier_rule', $id_lang, 'meta_title', $id_shop))
return $url.$dispatcher->createUrl('supplier_rule', $id_lang, array('id' => (int)$supplier, 'rewrite' => (string)$alias), $this->allow, '', $id_shop);
$supplier = new Supplier($supplier, $id_lang);
// Set available keywords
$params = array();
$params['id'] = $supplier->id;
$params['rewrite'] = (!$alias) ? $supplier->link_rewrite : $alias;
$params['meta_keywords'] = Tools::str2url($supplier->meta_keywords);
$params['meta_title'] = Tools::str2url($supplier->meta_title);
return $url.$dispatcher->createUrl('supplier_rule', $id_lang, $params, $this->allow, '', $id_shop);
* Create a link to a manufacturer
* @param mixed $manufacturer Manufacturer object (can be an ID supplier, but deprecated)
* @param string $alias
* @param int $id_lang
* @return string
public function getManufacturerLink($manufacturer, $alias = null, $id_lang = null, $id_shop = null)
if (!$id_lang)
$id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id;
$url = $this->getBaseLink($id_shop).$this->getLangLink($id_lang, null, $id_shop);
$dispatcher = Dispatcher::getInstance();
if (!is_object($manufacturer))
if ($alias !== null && !$dispatcher->hasKeyword('manufacturer_rule', $id_lang, 'meta_keywords', $id_shop) && !$dispatcher->hasKeyword('manufacturer_rule', $id_lang, 'meta_title', $id_shop))
return $url.$dispatcher->createUrl('manufacturer_rule', $id_lang, array('id' => (int)$manufacturer, 'rewrite' => (string)$alias), $this->allow, '', $id_shop);
$manufacturer = new Manufacturer($manufacturer, $id_lang);
// Set available keywords
$params = array();
$params['id'] = $manufacturer->id;
$params['rewrite'] = (!$alias) ? $manufacturer->link_rewrite : $alias;
$params['meta_keywords'] = Tools::str2url($manufacturer->meta_keywords);
$params['meta_title'] = Tools::str2url($manufacturer->meta_title);
return $url.$dispatcher->createUrl('manufacturer_rule', $id_lang, $params, $this->allow, '', $id_shop);
* Create a link to a module
* @since 1.5.0
* @param string $module Module name
* @param string $process Action name
* @param int $id_lang
* @return string
public function getModuleLink($module, $controller = 'default', array $params = array(), $ssl = null, $id_lang = null, $id_shop = null)
if (!$id_lang)
$id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id;
$url = $this->getBaseLink($id_shop, $ssl).$this->getLangLink($id_lang, null, $id_shop);
// If the module has its own route ... just use it !
if (Dispatcher::getInstance()->hasRoute('module-'.$module.'-'.$controller, $id_lang, $id_shop))
return $this->getPageLink('module-'.$module.'-'.$controller, $ssl, $id_lang, $params);
// Set available keywords
$params['module'] = $module;
$params['controller'] = $controller ? $controller : 'default';
return $url.Dispatcher::getInstance()->createUrl('module', $id_lang, $params, $this->allow, '', $id_shop);
* Use controller name to create a link
* @param string $controller
* @param boolean $with_token include or not the token in the url
* @return controller url
public function getAdminLink($controller, $with_token = true)
$id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id;
$params = $with_token ? array('token' => Tools::getAdminTokenLite($controller)) : array();
return Dispatcher::getInstance()->createUrl($controller, $id_lang, $params, false);
* Returns a link to a product image for display
* Note: the new image filesystem stores product images in subdirectories of img/p/
* @param string $name rewrite link of the image
* @param string $ids id part of the image filename - can be "id_product-id_image" (legacy support, recommended) or "id_image" (new)
* @param string $type
public function getImageLink($name, $ids, $type = null)
$not_default = false;
// legacy mode or default image
$theme = ((Shop::isFeatureActive() && file_exists(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$ids.($type ? '-'.$type : '').'-'.(int)Context::getContext()->shop->id_theme.'.jpg')) ? '-'.Context::getContext()->shop->id_theme : '');
if ((Configuration::get('PS_LEGACY_IMAGES')
&& (file_exists(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.$ids.($type ? '-'.$type : '').$theme.'.jpg')))
|| ($not_default = strpos($ids, 'default') !== false))
if ($this->allow == 1 && !$not_default)
$uri_path = __PS_BASE_URI__.$ids.($type ? '-'.$type : '').$theme.'/'.$name.'.jpg';
$uri_path = _THEME_PROD_DIR_.$ids.($type ? '-'.$type : '').$theme.'.jpg';
// if ids if of the form id_product-id_image, we want to extract the id_image part
$split_ids = explode('-', $ids);
$id_image = (isset($split_ids[1]) ? $split_ids[1] : $split_ids[0]);
$theme = ((Shop::isFeatureActive() && file_exists(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_.Image::getImgFolderStatic($id_image).$id_image.($type ? '-'.$type : '').'-'.(int)Context::getContext()->shop->id_theme.'.jpg')) ? '-'.Context::getContext()->shop->id_theme : '');
if ($this->allow == 1)
$uri_path = __PS_BASE_URI__.$id_image.($type ? '-'.$type : '').$theme.'/'.$name.'.jpg';
$uri_path = _THEME_PROD_DIR_.Image::getImgFolderStatic($id_image).$id_image.($type ? '-'.$type : '').$theme.'.jpg';
return $this->protocol_content.Tools::getMediaServer($uri_path).$uri_path;
public function getMediaLink($filepath)
return Tools::getProtocol().Tools::getMediaServer($filepath).$filepath;
* Create a simple link
* @param string $controller
* @param bool $ssl
* @param int $id_lang
* @param string|array $request
* @param bool $request_url_encode Use URL encode
* @return string Page link
public function getPageLink($controller, $ssl = null, $id_lang = null, $request = null, $request_url_encode = false, $id_shop = null)
$controller = Tools::strReplaceFirst('.php', '', $controller);
if (!$id_lang)
$id_lang = (int)Context::getContext()->language->id;
if (!is_array($request))
// @FIXME html_entity_decode has been added due to '&' => '%3B' ...
$request = html_entity_decode($request);
if ($request_url_encode)
$request = urlencode($request);
parse_str($request, $request);
$uri_path = Dispatcher::getInstance()->createUrl($controller, $id_lang, $request, false, '', $id_shop);
return $this->getBaseLink($id_shop, $ssl).$this->getLangLink($id_lang, null, $id_shop).ltrim($uri_path, '/');
public function getCatImageLink($name, $id_category, $type = null)
if($this->allow == 1 && $type)
$uri_path = __PS_BASE_URI__.'c/'.$id_category.'-'.$type.'/'.$name.'.jpg';
$uri_path = _THEME_CAT_DIR_.$id_category.($type ? '-'.$type : '').'.jpg';
return $this->protocol_content.Tools::getMediaServer($uri_path).$uri_path;
* Create link after language change, for the change language block
* @param integer $id_lang Language ID
* @return string link
public function getLanguageLink($id_lang, Context $context = null)
if (!$context)
$context = Context::getContext();
$params = $_GET;
unset($params['isolang'], $params['controller']);
if (!$this->allow)
$params['id_lang'] = $id_lang;
$controller = Dispatcher::getInstance()->getController();
if (!empty(Context::getContext()->controller->php_self))
$controller = Context::getContext()->controller->php_self;
if ($controller == 'product' && isset($params['id_product']))
return $this->getProductLink((int)$params['id_product'], null, null, null, (int)$id_lang);
elseif ($controller == 'category' && isset($params['id_category']))
return $this->getCategoryLink((int)$params['id_category'], null, (int)$id_lang);
elseif ($controller == 'supplier' && isset($params['id_supplier']))
return $this->getSupplierLink((int)$params['id_supplier'], null, (int)$id_lang);
elseif ($controller == 'manufacturer' && isset($params['id_manufacturer']))
return $this->getManufacturerLink((int)$params['id_manufacturer'], null, (int)$id_lang);
elseif ($controller == 'cms' && isset($params['id_cms']))
return $this->getCMSLink((int)$params['id_cms'], null, false, (int)$id_lang);
elseif ($controller == 'cms' && isset($params['id_cms_category']))
return $this->getCMSCategoryLink((int)$params['id_cms_category'], null, (int)$id_lang);
elseif (isset($params['fc']) && $params['fc'] == 'module')
$module = Validate::isModuleName(Tools::getValue('module')) ? Tools::getValue('module') : '';
if (!empty($module))
unset($params['fc'], $params['module']);
return $this->getModuleLink($module, $controller, $params, false, (int)$id_lang);
return $this->getPageLink($controller, false, $id_lang, $params);
public function goPage($url, $p)
return $url.($p == 1 ? '' : (!strstr($url, '?') ? '?' : '&').'p='.(int)$p);
* Get pagination link
* @param string $type Controller name
* @param int $id_object
* @param boolean $nb Show nb element per page attribute
* @param boolean $sort Show sort attribute
* @param boolean $pagination Show page number attribute
* @param boolean $array If false return an url, if true return an array
public function getPaginationLink($type, $id_object, $nb = false, $sort = false, $pagination = false, $array = false)
// If no parameter $type, try to get it by using the controller name
if (!$type && !$id_object)
$method_name = 'get'.Dispatcher::getInstance()->getController().'Link';
if (method_exists($this, $method_name) && isset($_GET['id_'.Dispatcher::getInstance()->getController()]))
$type = Dispatcher::getInstance()->getController();
$id_object = $_GET['id_'.$type];
if ($type && $id_object)
$url = $this->{'get'.$type.'Link'}($id_object, null);
if (isset(Context::getContext()->controller->php_self))
$name = Context::getContext()->controller->php_self;
$name = Dispatcher::getInstance()->getController();
$url = $this->getPageLink($name);
$vars = array();
$vars_nb = array('n', 'search_query');
$vars_sort = array('orderby', 'orderway');
$vars_pagination = array('p');
foreach ($_GET as $k => $value)
if ($k != 'id_'.$type && $k != 'controller')
if (Configuration::get('PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS') && ($k == 'isolang' || $k == 'id_lang'))
$if_nb = (!$nb || ($nb && !in_array($k, $vars_nb)));
$if_sort = (!$sort || ($sort && !in_array($k, $vars_sort)));
$if_pagination = (!$pagination || ($pagination && !in_array($k, $vars_pagination)));
if ($if_nb && $if_sort && $if_pagination)
if (!is_array($value))
$vars[urlencode($k)] = $value;
foreach (explode('&', http_build_query(array($k => $value), '', '&')) as $key => $val)
$data = explode('=', $val);
$vars[urldecode($data[0])] = $data[1];
if (!$array)
if (count($vars))
return $url.(($this->allow == 1 || $url == $this->url) ? '?' : '&').http_build_query($vars, '', '&');
return $url;
$vars['requestUrl'] = $url;
if ($type && $id_object)
$vars['id_'.$type] = (is_object($id_object) ? (int)$id_object->id : (int)$id_object);
if (!$this->allow == 1)
$vars['controller'] = Dispatcher::getInstance()->getController();
return $vars;
public function addSortDetails($url, $orderby, $orderway)
return $url.(!strstr($url, '?') ? '?' : '&').'orderby='.urlencode($orderby).'&orderway='.urlencode($orderway);
protected function getLangLink($id_lang = null, Context $context = null, $id_shop = null)
if (!$context)
$context = Context::getContext();
if ((!$this->allow && in_array($id_shop, array($context->shop->id,  null))) || !Language::isMultiLanguageActivated($id_shop) || !(int)Configuration::get('PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS', null, null, $id_shop))
return '';
if (!$id_lang)
$id_lang = $context->language->id;
return Language::getIsoById($id_lang).'/';
protected function getBaseLink($id_shop = null, $ssl = null)
static $force_ssl = null;
if ($ssl === null)
if ($force_ssl === null)
$force_ssl = (Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') && Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE'));
$ssl = $force_ssl;
if (Configuration::get('PS_MULTISHOP_FEATURE_ACTIVE') && $id_shop !== null)
$shop = new Shop($id_shop);
$shop = Context::getContext()->shop;
return $base.$shop->getBaseURI();
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you've got this code there:

public function getPageLink($controller, $ssl = null, $id_lang = null, $request = null, $request_url_encode = false, $id_shop = null)
$controller = Tools::strReplaceFirst('.php', '', $controller);
if (!$id_lang)
$id_lang = (int)Context::getContext()->language->id;
if (!is_array($request))
// @FIXME html_entity_decode has been added due to '&' => '%3B' ...
$request = html_entity_decode($request);
if ($request_url_encode)
$request = urlencode($request);
parse_str($request, $request);
$uri_path = Dispatcher::getInstance()->createUrl($controller, $id_lang, $request, false, '', $id_shop);
return $this->getBaseLink($id_shop, $ssl).$this->getLangLink($id_lang, null, $id_shop).ltrim($uri_path, '/');
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