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What's the sense of a multilangual forum?



No idea, maybe this has been discussed earlier already:


I have a very general comment: The more participants a discussion (or a forum) has, the more intelligence, experience and tips are available in one place. This is surely not the first forum I am participating, but the very first that separates itself into many (langual) subforums. Why that? In my opinion, this divides the available heritage and help for forum members by the number of languages.


Everybody working with software or even programming should be able to communicate his software/programming topics in english. If not, he might easily use tools like google translate to read/understand the topics.


An example? I have been searching for a solution for CSV products import, which is probably for many shop users the first step into prestashop. What I do find are few articles in english, few in french, few in spanish, few in Idontknowwhat. What the f***? There might be a solution in the spanish part? Another one that could help in french? Or russian? However, no way for me to filter that.


No... I am nor english nor american. I do fluently speak german and english, almost fluently french, I do have basic knowlegde in spanish and italian. Quite some experience in PHP, SQL, Linux. But still, not even half of the forum member heritage collected in here is accessable to me :(


So you can find prestashop questions in french with no reply, some in spanish with no reply, some in .... and-so-on. Speaking one language might help many of them getting in real touch with prestashop.


What do you think about this? Do we really need all discussion forums in all languages or would it be a better support having it in ONE language?

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Ok, seems I am the only one with this opinion. Not a problem :)


But try the following:

Search for "CSV Import timeout" (in advanced search). Result is ~30 threads with maybe 300 to 500 posts but... in 5 languages. There is no way to filter out whether somebody from spain or hungaria might have a solution for your problem already. Really no way. Not even by detailling the advanced search further because you're not able to select the proper keyword in spanish.

In many other forums, more knowledge is concentrated in less threads because everybody having a problem or having a solution tries to write in a common language.


But... that is just a my personal remark, not necessarily the best option ;)

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You are fully right, there is no 'best solution' for this.


Maybe, there are some forum areas where the users are better off with their mother tongue. Everything that a shop owner need to handle during daily business might be an example for this. On the other hand, I think that all topics that dig a bit deeper like installation problems, programming issues are normally handled by people at least a bit familiar with software and computing. Probably everyone knowing a bit of php, sql, js or html is able to discuss his problem in english.


Maybe, in the technical subforums of non-english language some statement might encourage people to post their problem in the english part due to the higher chance to get it resolved?


Just to repeat: I am not english native at all ;)

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Everybody working with software or even programming should be able to communicate his software/programming topics in english.

Many people who use Prestashop are not especially technical, they are business people. If their English is not good, it's better to have a forum in their native language. Such a forum will probably have members who also access the information in the English forum, so the knowledge can be spread.

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I think that a multilanguage forum is more than necessary. This a community forum, a global one at that. The merchant is at the heart of PrestaShop. Our goal is to give every person in the world the opportunity to create a professional online store by providing them with completely free, easy to use e-commerce software. Regardless of an individual's technical skill, language, or country of business, the Community forum is where they all can go for advice and help.


Also, the best way to search the forum is actually from Google. (We don't have Google's search capability yet!)

search google for  CSV Import Timeout site:prestashop.com   you will find better results. 


Specifically about your question, the problem is most likely a memory error. It's been discussed many times. You should first read the php.ini blog post in my signature, and then call your hosting to check on your settings. 

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Specifically about your question, the problem is most likely a memory error. It's been discussed many times. You should first read the php.ini blog post in my signature, and then call your hosting to check on your settings. 


Don't mind on the languages, maybe this is just my personal feeling.


For the import: I've read quite some threads including yours in between, but there still remain many users where php parameter change did not help... including me :)  I have a managed server on 1&1 so I am very free in changing configuration.


In between, my son has written a script for me that splits import csv-files and imports them automatically. This also allows the option to import by cronjob.

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I agree with marama on this one.

I experienced the same problems while searching for information on the forum.

Now I use the google translator, but that still makes it hard for me to take part in discussions in languages I cant speak.


I understand that people all over the world come together here, but that should be the main reason to combine all available information, solutions and even free modules and themes in one place.

In the end someone always will be handicapped by the barrier of not speaking a language but I think there are far more people out there speaking english then any other language.


btw. I am not a native english speaker either.

Edited by thepan (see edit history)
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