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Overwriting themes after installation

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Hello everyone, I use PS 1.5.5 and I installed the theme BestBuy Leo

Now, however, trying to install another, in this case Leo Cake, I find myself with some modules overwritten and obviously some settings that differ from one theme to another, such as the size of images and thumbnails.

I would like to know if it was possible to install themes in such a way that each has its separate settings, so that I can assign a theme to a single store or group of stores.


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You can have different sized images for different stores (you should, at least) so, the only way to keep separate templates and prevent them to overwrite each other is to use multistore. Also notice that this can in no way prevent 2 modules with the same name to overwrite each other (you cannot have 2 folders named mymodule, for example!)

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Thanks Nemo, but my problem is that when I try to install another theme other than BestBuy, for example Leocake, which uses some of the same modules BestBuy will be overwritten as they have the same name.

In essence, in the front office of the stores where I installed BestBuy they go to integrate modules and settings specific to LeoCake

I understand that the modules can not have the same name, but how do I install a new theme without that everything is changed?

Or how can I duplicate a module common to different themes and what exactly I need to change?


Thanks in advance

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