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Solved! The content field (English (United States)) is invalid.

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I've updated Prestashop to for a while and it works fine by now. Today I tried to change some texts inside CMS page and I discovered that I just can't change them because there're warnings" 

  1. The content field (English (United States)) is invalid.
  2. The content field (Swedish) is invalid.


I've followed instructions in the Forum

1, changed Tools.php  to "return @copy($source, $destination);"

2, turn on Accented URL

3, turn on Disable apache mod security

4, turn on Allow iframes on html fields


but nothing helps


I think this is a common small bug in Anyone any suggestion about which file I should change to solve this problem? Main language of my shop www.i-smycken.se is Swedish.


WIth best regards


Edited by salomonsson (see edit history)
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