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HELP : old 1.3.6 vulnerability problem ( footer.tpl ? )


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Hello everyone.

I've a big problem with an old 1.3.6 version and my manager doesn't want to upgrade.


Since some weeks, I noticed various succesfully hacks on my website.


Following  files are hacked / modified / injected with malicious code ( may be more )




Many index.php in various dirs

And a php file with malicious code file is often uploaded in modules dir ( so google detects our website as malicious)


The result is site down / graphic hack or left column missing / cart missing and so on.

I tried to pass 444 permission of files below, this way the website remains visible but items cannot be added to cart.

Error thrown: [object XMLHttpRequest]

Text status: parsererror


When ot happens, I usually cancel everything and upload a fresh working backup to fix it.

But now it happens to often, it seems that someone is getting very interested to hack our web ( 1 time a day usually !! or more !).


Please help us to fix this problem.





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