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SOLVED shipping prices- increase carriage prices

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The shipping charges in my shop stay the same price whether its for 1 item or ten. it is set on price at the moment. I did try setting it to weight but it appeared to make no difference. Do I need to put a weight in every item product page and then set the carriage costs by the weight.

At the moment 1 item could be 0.5kg or 25kg and the carriage is still £4.99.

where have I gone wrong please.

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i have a simillar problem. Had this problem w/ version 1.1 and it carried to 1.2.4 which i am using now: Shipping is sorted by weight. I have 4 carriers(1: 0-0.2kg ll 2: 0.2-5kg ll 3: 5.1-10 ll 4: 10.1-20). say i have a product at weight level 1. the cart shows the default shipping price as long as weight does not exceed it. when it does the cart shows shipping price at zero and stays there. At checkout all carriers above and including carrier 1 show, but I want to show ONLY carrier 1. At BO i disabled the carriers when weight exceeds but it didnt help. any idea?

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The shipping charges in my shop stay the same price whether its for 1 item or ten. it is set on price at the moment. I did try setting it to weight but it appeared to make no difference. Do I need to put a weight in every item product page and then set the carriage costs by the weight.

At the moment 1 item could be 0.5kg or 25kg and the carriage is still £4.99.

where have I gone wrong please.

Are you wanting to use weight, or price?
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Yes only using 1 carrier.

Have set weights similar to what you list in your post, except 1st one starts at 0.01 -2.0. I did this because I have 1 item that is a service and there is nil postage. so I have set that at 0.0.kg, but it still registers at min postage charge.

I did try to make this a downloadable product in the listing but then the item description dissapears


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Then the postage that was being charged was actually your handling charge - this adds itself on to postage and just shows as one charge.
Have u definitely got weights set for everything?
Maybe if you could show some screen shots of your shipping settings it might help?

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As an experiment I made the handling charge 0.00. when this happens all the carriage charges on my site are nil. when I put £4.95 handling charge, all my postage becomes £4.95 until it reaches £60, it then reverts back to nil carriage as it should,as i do not charge on orders over £60.


it has to be something simple, but boy is it taking a lot of time.


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