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How to remove header search bar in admin?

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You can do it in ADMIN_DIR/themes/default/template/header.tpl


just remove this code:

			<div id="header_search">
				<form method="post" action="index.php?controller=AdminSearch&token={getAdminToken tab='AdminSearch'}">
					<input type="text" name="bo_query" id="bo_query" value="{$bo_query}" />
					<select name="bo_search_type" id="bo_search_type" class="chosen no-search">
						<option value="0">{l s='everywhere'}</option>
						<option value="1" {if {$search_type} == 1} selected="selected" {/if}>{l s='catalog'}</option>
						<optgroup label="{l s='customers'}:">
							<option value="2" {if {$search_type} == 2} selected="selected" {/if}>{l s='by name'}</option>
							<option value="6" {if {$search_type} == 6} selected="selected" {/if}>{l s='by ip address'}</option>
						<option value="3" {if {$search_type} == 3} selected="selected" {/if}>{l s='orders'}</option>
						<option value="4" {if {$search_type} == 4} selected="selected" {/if}>{l s='invoices'}</option>
						<option value="5" {if {$search_type} == 5} selected="selected" {/if}>{l s='carts'}</option>
						<option value="7" {if {$search_type} == 7} selected="selected" {/if}>{l s='modules'}</option>
					<input type="submit" id="bo_search_submit" class="button" value="{l s='Search'}"/>
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