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Cart Rules / Free Shipping / Vouchers not working properly

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On PS / Default theme.  I created Cart Rule to give Free Shipping on orders $99 or more with shipping within the United States but this is not working for me.


1) Free Shipping doesn't apply in the summary after selecting United States, State, Postal code.  Why?


2) Then If I enter an actual voucher number in the BO.  I go to the Front Office > Cart Summary > enter the USA, State, Postal code and click  "Update Cart" then I get an error message: "There is 1 error:  You must choose a delivery address before applying this voucher to your order"



Here is my settings:

BO >  Price Rules > Cart Rules: "Free Shipping - Order $99 or more"

- Information >

-- "Code" is blank because I want it to be applied automatically.

-- "Highlight" yes

-- "Partial use" yes

-- "Priority" 1

-- "Status" yes


- Condition >

-- "Valid" from 2013-09-01 14:01:50 to 2020-10-16 13:00:00

-- "Minimum amount" 99

-- "Total available" 1000

-- "Total available for each user" 1000

-- "Selected countries" United States

-- "Carrier selection" all my local carriers are selected

-- "Customer group selection" all groups selected

-- "Compatibility with other cart rules" NO

-- "Product selection" NO


- Actions >

-- "Free shipping" yes

-- "Apply a discount" none

-- "Send a free gift" no

Edited by dformica (see edit history)
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There seems to be an issue with "Unselected" and "Selected" countries as well as carriers.

I have tested with United States under "Unselected" as well as "Selected".  After clearing cache and smarty, the result is the same, shipping is not free for the country selected. 

I'm giving up on this for today.  If anyone can help me please, I would appreciate it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Trying the same thing here for dutch carriers. No joy either. Strange because hovering over my shopping cart shows an additional row for shipping cost = 0. So rule is apparantly applied, but does'n affect shippin on checkout. Anyone?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have same problem.  I am also setting a rule that says if i get 5 of items from a single category apply free shipping.  It works i think if i specify minimum amount to spend.  so i get free shipping than add another item lets say for $78 which should be free shipping as welll since i have a code any purchase over 75 free shipping. if i later remove the expensive item i dont get free shipping even though i have 5 of specified items. very frustrating

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, I am using and I will give free gifts to customers with minimum single purchase of $x.  I have 3 design choices for the free gifts so I created 3 cart rules, each of which is incompatible with the other (since each customer is entitled to one free gift).  Everything was working well until today.  And today, incompatibility between cart rules don't work.  Can Community Jedi or anyone please help ?  I need to launch this campaign very very soon..... Hope to hear from anyone !

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  On 12/7/2013 at 8:38 AM, GraceGoh said:

sorry to add, i want the customer to be able to claim 1 free gift in the first min purchase of $x.  the customer will not be able to claim the free gift another time in another purchase.


Cap usage per customer to be 1

Total available for each user 1

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yes, at shopping cart rules condition, I have set Total available for each user to 1 for each cart rule. and set each cart rule to be incompatible with each other.  But that didn't stop customers from doing 3 separate purchases via 3 shopping carts and getting 3 designs when what I really want is to limit each customer to 1 free gift (regardless of the design he chose).  Any thoughts what else I can do?  Thanks! 

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Sorry I do not understand.


A rule caped to a sigle use per customer will not allow a second usage.

What is the exact version of your PS?


If you mean a customer creating 3 account, sorry but there is no way to control against such trickery


Your rule should be defined such as:


- name: WELCOME

- code: (none)

- hilight: 1

- partial: 1

- priority: 1

- active: 1



- customer: (none)

- validity period: ad-hoc

- min amount: whatever fits your need

- quantity avail: 9999

- avail per user: 1



- free shipping: no

- discount: no

- gift: yes

- product: your gift product

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Hi Doekia,


Thanks very much for replying.  Sorry if I haven't been clear.  


I am offering one free gift per customer if he purchase a minimum of $x of any of my products.  However, the free gift comes in 3 different designs and I would like the customer to be able to choose one of these 3.  If the customer choose 1 of the design in the first purchase that meets the minimum $x of purchase, he must not be able to get a second or third design in his subsequent purchases.  


To offer the choice of design, I have created 3 cart rules corresponding to the 3 designs of free gifts.  These cart rules have the settings you outlined above.  And I have made them incompatible with one another so that in a single purchase, the customer cannot choose more than 1 design of the free gift.  However, in a scenario in which the customer checks out his first shopping cart after getting his first free gift, he can create another shopping cart in a separate purchase.  In this new shopping cart (assuming he meets the $x minimum purchase again), he is able to claim one of the other 2 designs that he did not choose in his first purchase.  And I don't want that to happen because I want to limit a customer to 1 free gift (regardless of the design).  How do I do this ?


Hope my explanation is clear.  Thanks for taking time to read and respond.

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Now it make sense. I'm affraid to tell you that there is no chance this to work.

Rules exclusions runs as viewing the cart "now", it check nothing about the past.


The way I will address the issue:

make a gift product (in an hidden category) make its short description say: "To receive your gift, express the flavour you wish using the message field of this order"

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You could also create a custom product, then within your shopping-cart-item template present a select with the different flavour, the select populating thru ajax the customization field of the product - a bit more work to implement but neat and clean

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i understand your first suggestion but it does not help me keep track of stock level of the free gift automatically.  so there's a possibility the free gifts will run out and my customers are still buying thinking they could get the free gift.


does the second option achieve the same outcome as the first?  i don't quite understand what you mean and how do i do what your second suggestion says ....  :unsure:

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None of the mentionned solution will offer any help regarding stock sorry for that


The idea of the second proposal is:

- create a product (gift) with customization field

- add this product thru the rule

- on cart summary and checkout step 5, the template involved is if I remember properly shopping-cart-item.tpl

- in this template we code a test that with the gift product id will displays a drop down with the 3 flavour then ajax update the customisation field.

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  On 12/8/2013 at 8:40 PM, Bruno Leveque said:

Hey Ioana,


Are you sure that the free shipping is related to this cart rule? it might be related to the products in the shopping cart or to the settings in your Carrier's configuration.


Please can you share with us a screenshot of this cart rule backend page?





I think i found the problem but i don't know what to do. I have a generated cart rule in the orders category. I made a screenshot.



Thanks :D

Edited by IoanaBob (see edit history)
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  • 1 year later...

Hi i've got a simmilar issue like the original post


i've got normal shipping costs and a special price rule defined by:


- name

- code

- priority 2

- active


- from - till

- totally 99999

- totally per person 10

- only in 2 countries

- only with 1 delivery method

- only with 4 special articles

- only in one shop


- free shipping


the things i didn't mentioned are zero or no


the result:


Not logged in (guest no address)

Seeing an random (from or not from the price rule) article no reason for free shipping - but it has the state free shipping? witch actually costs?



Logged in (having an address)

No voucher code - shipping costs but is free?



Voucher Code inserted, costs were reduced, shipping is still free :)





Running at the moment on PS


thanks for your help/ideas!

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Guys,


If anyone still looking for any solution for cart rules (voucher code) those covers the shipping cost using the existing structure then I've a custom solution. It includes few core class file changes. If I told you the procedure here which is not an easy task for a non developer. It may broke your shop due to different version files have different code. So I can offer this modification with a small cost for this service. It covers all the Prestashop versions till now.

You can contact me on my S-K-Y-P-E: sitender.r

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