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Directly display Block without a Hook

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Hello guys


I'm a newbie in Prestashop, i've installed just 2 Weeks ago. Now i've started to adapt the defaulttheme to a custom design, which i programmed before in static html/css. I've read the Designer's Guide for PS 1.5 and searched the web for an answer for my problem, but i can't find one. May i'm blind or stupid, but i'm sure you'll know the answer.


I want to adapt the output of the {HOOK_TOP} to my gridsystem. But i'm not able, to adapt the html-output, do you know how i can do this? My Solution would be to display the Blocks directly in the header.tpl - with something like {hook h='displayShoppingCart'} but it didn't work.


Does somebody know how i should do this (if the solution is compatible to updates, that would be awesome)?


I'm sorry for the newbie question but i searched now for three hours :-/ If needed i can get you some example-code before and after.


Greetings Sublime

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hello what you want to achieve with: {hook h='displayShoppingCart'} ? 

this is hook located on frist step page in order process, named "shopping cart"


so what you want to dispaly in header? cart? im asking because code that you proposed will execute hook by default located on order process page

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Hi Vekia thanks for your Reply :)


My goal is, to display the cart, the searchbox,  the userlinks (if you know a way to detect if a user is logged in that would be perfect) and multiple instances of cmslinks.


-> http://dev.thoeni.me/sn/de/

On the page, you can see the usual {$HOOK_TOP} on the top (not designed), and after the planned design.. 



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so position of the modules you can manage under modules > positions tab (search for displayTop modules list and just drag'n'drop certain modules to change position)


unfortunately, there is no other way to achieve what you expected, this is how prestashop works.

you need to modify modules .tpl files one by one, then you will achieve any effect you want

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