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Shipping weight ranges problem

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Hello everybody.

I'm seriously in trouble with the latest presta version,

The 4-step courier wizard allows me to create many weight ranges for my zone.

But, unfortunately, when I put a product in the cart, presta takes care only about the first (the lower one) weight range, indipendently from the product weight. So, it applies a wrong fee.

It sounds very strange that nobody had noticed this problem yet. As reproducing the problem it's very easy. Consider that I have a fresh new presta installation, with one courier and one test product. There's no way: presta applies always the fee from the lower weight range.

I posted the same question on the Italian forum (since I'm Italian), but no answers. So, I try with your forum.

Is it a big mistake of mine?
Thank you in advance for your help.




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I am having exactly the same problem. I have one product in my shop and I have created 2 shipping ranges, but it only applies the shipping of the lower range even when the weight falls into the second range. I can't figure it out. Does someone know how to fix this?

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OK, I have understood.

In order to get the right weight range, is necessary to set the "Peso (pacco)" (in english it means "Box weight", or something like this) value of the product, instead of the weight value in the product features.

I thought that the "Peso (pacco)" was the weight of the box itself, to be added to the product weight.




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