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default language

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I'm using prestashop 1.5.5

I want to change the language of my webshop therefore I've adapted the default language in


But the language did't change!

I had to choose another flag in the shop and reopen the browser:then the language was changed:but in ths case the system hasn't used the default language but the last used language.


How can the default language be used?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a similar issue. Altough i've set up Romanian as default language, the store opens in English.


It seems that you can use the following fix:


Adding the following in .htaccess seem to work fine:
RequestHeader unset Accept-Language

This should be add after the following line:
ErrorDocument 404 /index.php?controller=404

Edited by doigro (see edit history)
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