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SAGE PAY - Payment Plan

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Question regarding Payment modules .. Prestashop offering Paypal module integration.
But I wana use SAGE PAY. Because I already have a Business account on it.
How can I use Sage Pay module with php integration.
Any Idea please help me out.



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Not quite sure what you mean by payment plan but if it is just the sagepay gateway (form method) you wish to use, try this:
Sage Pay Module
It is set up initally for the sagepay test server. To use live just edit the code.

Do let me know if you test a 3D secure transaction that actually asks for the password as I didn't have a card available to test that feature.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for late reply. Thanks for the sagepay module. Today i have tested with my dummy test payments through sagepay module. Everything is fine, But at the last when its going to on a sucess.php -> page I have got message that Apache HTTP server stopped as right now i m testing with my localhost. Below the link which clearly shows sucess.php page but not shown becoz of Apache server stopped.


Moreso I m attaching few screen shots of different steps. Please have a look and tell me i have to get rid of this server stopped message. Please have a look on User Form page (makes me confused that user will get the form page right) and after proceeding it should go directly to home page and display message and your payments are confirmed instead of Apache server stopped. But lastly if i have checked the transaction list it shows payments received. Please give me little guidence what can i do for that. Attached all the tested JPG files (zip format) -- SAGEPAY.


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Assuming you haven't made any changes to the files it is probably an issue with XAMPP or whatever you are using locally.

Possibly there is a directory issue though I guess you would have seen that in the path to the success file. I only mention it because I noticed a number or programs being updated to include an extra something in the path like


Sorry I can't remember a specific example.

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Thanks for reply. well right now I m using Wamp Server, but tomorrow I m going to host my site and then I will check it again using all the features and sagepay payment. By the way I have already emailed to Chris Whittington (Sagepay module developer) Below attached his email response.

"This appears to be a problem with apache. I would suggest updating to the very latest version of apache2 No script (such as a php page) should be able to cause apache to crash. It is an indication of an underlying problem with your configuration / server version. I would suggest trying some different hosting (i prefer linux based hosting) and go from there".

But where can I use .{$base_dir} because sagepay needs to be configure and I have configured with my testing figures like vendor name, encryption and some other values at backoffice - in modules. Have you seen my attached images? well try and guide me I will check my site when I will host it and let you know whats the result comes out?


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Yes, as Chris says, it shouldn't happen and I have only seen it happen when people are hosting their own sites

As for the directory issue, I haven't had any problems with this module, but always when new releases of Presta come out there is the potential for new issues to arise and a number of modules have had to be updated. If it needed updating it would be changed in the code. There would be no need for another configuration parameter.

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Today i have hosted my company site with sagepay module integration. It works perfectly fine. Thanks..

@ Radders thanks for useful information.

@ [spam-filter]Iamcaptain. Mate I m using windows vista with the combination of wamp server which almost gives latest versions of apache, php and mysql. I have tested sagepay module almost 8-10 times. It works perfectly fine. Even @localhost - the testing payments are confirmed but the last order confirmed page was not displayed and localhost it stopped working. But today I have uploaded site at 1$1 host, after payment confirmation it works fab and show the last page that your order is confirmed. I think vista is not good for programming level but webhosting is based on linux so no issues. Mate you can create a test account for sagepay simulator its show you each and everything. Transaction list, payments received. Just configure it in your sagepay module.
here is the link for creating sagepay simulator. https://support.sagepay.com/apply/
Please do let me know if you test and dont forget to install sagepay module (very simple to configure). thanks


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