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[SOLVED] Cash sale without customer registration.


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Does the person order using the website, or just 'walks in to your physical shop?


If still uses website:

Maybe use guest checkout? The person still adds name and Email (and delivery address). As payment module you can use bank wire and modify the text so it doesn't say transfer the money, but please com to pay at out store or something.


Please elaborate a little how the process of ordering and paying is going.


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Yes its like walking into the shop and buying, paying in cash.

So I want to, at the end of the day, go into back office and register each sale so that the stock gets right and the sale that day will be registrered.  This is not something that happens every day. I dont have a regular shop but people can come on my door or I can bring some items out on a twirling competition and sell products from a table.

Hope you get an idea of what I want.....and this is in paralel to the web sale of course.



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