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[SOLVED] How to add a top banner or text ?


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I want to add a top banner, above my menu bar and left of my logo.

I want to add a banner like saying: "SALE" or something like that.

I would also need from time to time to put in som text, information and so.

Sometimes (mostly) above the menu but also sometimes underneat if there are some longer part of text information I need to post.


Do I need a module for this ?

And if so....do you have a suggestion ?



I have tried Blvg Static Blocks but I get an error message when I am saving text and nothing is inserted on my page.  I have waited long time for support after I gave them access to shop and server but after that I have heard nothing.


I am open for all suggestions you have.


Thank you.




Edited by Penge58 (see edit history)
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Hmmm.....I tried HTML box.  Added text and marked the Header button and I also tried the Top button.

The box (my text) did not show up at all.

When I went into position and Live Edit I could not see the HTML box anywere.


What am I doing wrong ?


My site is here:  www.drillteam.no

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first of all, turn of "only on SSL" option (below the positons in left hand side block) (i'm talkin about module configuration page ofc)


can you also show your code that you're trying to insert?


Both options are switched off.

Here are the codes ...this is only for testing so its simple. I only type in "SALG" with the style and color I want.


<span style="font-size: 36pt; font-family: times new roman,times;"><br /><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>SALG</strong></span></span><strong></strong>

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okay, so something doesnt work well.


when you type this code in the box where you have to insert own content, after save, contents there is saved properly? even after refresh ?


After I clicked SAVE it sais "Setting updated" and yes....its still there are "Setting updated" after a refresh.

Is it my template that refuse the code to be inserted ?

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well, it is possible.

and what is going on when you select different position, for example left column ?


I managed to get it to work now.

I cleared the smart cache again and then it showed up.


However I am not able to put it excactly were I want.

I only use the options on the left side. No other coding. Maybe I would need to put in some extra coding ?

Like when I choose TOP it appears on the very top and also above my logo.

If I choose HEADER it is below mu logo.

I want it on the right of the logo were its empty space today.


Could you please look at http://www.drillteam.no



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please don't use HEADER - this section is for including css / js files and some meta tags. 

to insert text to the top section - just use the "Top" section




However I am not able to put it excactly were I want.

in this case you have to use some extra coding, there is no other way, even if you use different modules etc. What to do?


If you turn off "editor" mode, your code looks like:

<em><span style="font-family: times new roman,times;"><strong></strong><span style="font-size: 36pt;"><br>                    <span style="color: #ff0000;">TEST</span></span></span></em>

just remove it.

and then use something like: (just paste my code)

<span style="position:absolute; top:160px; left:640px; font-size:30px!important;">THIS IS MY TEXT</span>





of course you can change top and left param values, then you will be able to insert this text exactly there, where you want (just decrease / increase value of them). And remember to use "top" position - this is the most important thing in this case

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The editor is perhaps just more to create the code that has to do with the text itselt ?

You can for example, create base in html, then turn on editor and edit own text inside box you created via html :)



And this is how all the text-box modules works ?

yes all of them work like html box.

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Just a quick one at the end here.

Can I insert text several places using the same module or will the first one be deleted when i insert another somewere else ?


And if I only have one text inserted....like in your example. How do I delete it from the page ?

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this module in free version allows to use only one place. So when you use different place, all "other places" will be "removed".  you can also use other modules like contentbox etc. or order somewhere commercial solutions (unlimited blocks, all of available positions - above 25)




And if I only have one text inserted....like in your example. How do I delete it from the page ?

if you want to remove it from page... just empty the box and save it, or just disable the module if you don't want to use it

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