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IE 6,7,8 PROBLEM - font siize nearly doubles when viewing a product

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The problem is as follows:

When you load the webshop on index.php or any other page on the site the font and all looks fine in Google Chrome and Firefox. In Internet explorer there is a problem.

When you attempt to view ANY product in IE, the font on the page is double the normal size or more. this ONLY happens in IE 7,8 and only when you view the product.php page when wanting to view a productpage.

I have tried with both the default theme and my customized theme and the problem is the same.

So it all looks fine in Chrome and Firefox, but in IE all vers. the product.php will not display correctly



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I am having the same issue and I only have it with internet explorer. It does not happen in Safari, Firefox etc.

I have found that if you are in internet explorer, you can go to view > text size and then change the font size to small or smallest and then it corrects the problem.

The present default settings for Internet explorer set the text size to medium. I am running Prestashop version and don't know how to correct this issue. I do not think I should expect all viewers that are using internet explorer to change the text size. Can anybody help? I am thinking that it has something to do with the font used in Prestashop.

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