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Shipping costs query....

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Hi all


Having a bit of an issue with shipping costs at the moment and hope someone can offer some advice...


Basically if you select more than 1 product, add them to the cart, and goto the cart, then there is only 1 shipping cost there for both items..


eg. select 2 products at £5 each, add them to the cart, then you will have a £10 total plus £2.75 for shipping - the £2.75 is the default cost per item to ship...


what I am after is the possibility of say ordering 2 products and having the shipping applied per item. I know that I can obviously apply a set shipping cost for x number of items to stop the costs spiralling if you were to order say 5 products at £5 each as you wouldn't be paying 5x2.75 for shipping!!


I know that for some larger items I can specify individual shipping costs and they are added successfully. eg select an item that costs £19.99 and that has a shipping cost within the product details that totals 5.25 so it adds the default shipping of 2.75 totalling 8.


Hope this makes sense and apologies if I am missing an obvious trick here...



Edited by cwbalmer (see edit history)
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