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Footer: My Store(s)! issue

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At the bottom of my footer there is a link to my store. the link is displayed as 'My Store(s)!'.

I am trying to rename is to My Store but I can't find the module or the file for it. 


I've tried CMS Block in modules and CMSBlock Footer tpl. and and still doesn't get it fixed.

I have no idea where this is getting pulled from as it's not even within the CMS block modle or in the cms pages.


I also tried store.tpl and store-info.tpl and no such luck.


How do I fix this?




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Thank you for the reply.


I have tried the module/blockstore.tpl. It seemed like it would be the code to fix, however after fixing the file and refreshing, it has not fixed the problem.


As for the translation, an error comes up so I will now call my hosting service to see if i can pinpoint this weird problem.


Thank you

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OK all I can suggest is that you use a search tool to find any remaining occurrences of 'Our Store(s)!' within your site. I use Agent Ransack, but there are plenty around.

I don't believe this text is stored anywhere in the database, but you could use the phpmyadmin search on your database just in case.

If it doesn't show up on either of those, I'm out of ideas.

Let us know what shows up.

Cheers, Dave

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