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[SOLVED] Catagory description repeats itself

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I am having a small problem when I write a description about a category.   If it is more than a sentence long, it repeats itself.  For instance I type in this simple description.


Our best Copage playing cards in plastic coated and solid plastic styles with a variety of colors and designs to choose from.


But when I view the site and go to that category I find that it reads:


Our best Copage playing cards in plastic coated and solid plastic styles with a variety of colors and designs to .........


Our best Copage playing cards in plastic coated and solid plastic styles with a variety of colors and designs to choose from.




I don't understand why it is doing that and what I can do about it.  I would like for the second "repeated" sentence not to show.  Help anyone?

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okay,, thank you for confirmation, im going to mark this thread as solved.

btw. you can also mark own topics as solved

here is an instruction:



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Furthermore if you are the author of the topic for which a solution has been found, please edit your topic title to mark it as [sOLVED].

To mark a topic as [solved] :
- Edit the first post of your topic by clicking on the "Edit" button,
- Click on the "Use full editor" button,
- Add the "[solved]" string at the beginning of your topic title and click on the "Submit Modified Post" button.

it isn't necessary, but it is good practice

best regards

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