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[SOLVED] Pack creation from module


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It's an attribute of Product:

'type' => array(
'getter' => 'getWsType',
'setter' => 'setWsType',
Which can have three values:
const PTYPE_SIMPLE = 0;
const PTYPE_PACK = 1;
const PTYPE_VIRTUAL = 2;

You can check what type is is with this function:

public function getType()
if (!$this->id)
return Product::PTYPE_SIMPLE;
if (Pack::isPack($this->id))
return Product::PTYPE_PACK;
if ($this->is_virtual)
return Product::PTYPE_VIRTUAL;
return Product::PTYPE_SIMPLE;
If it's a pack, the product is registered in the table ps_pack as well, so you can also use this function to check if a product is a pack in Pack.php:
public static function isPack($id_product)
if (!Pack::isFeatureActive())
return false;
if (!$id_product)
return false;
if (!array_key_exists($id_product, self::$cacheIsPack))
$result = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'pack WHERE id_product_pack = '.(int)$id_product);
self::$cacheIsPack[$id_product] = ($result > 0);
return self::$cacheIsPack[$id_product];

Hope this helps,


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Thanks PascalVG !


This helped in fact !

Finally, I just create a new Product and ->save() it, then I call Pack::AddItem() giving the new product's (the pack freshly created) ID as first argument, and then what I want to add in it.

It automatically set the product as a pack because of the way Pack::isPack() is coded !


I set this topic on solved.

Thanks again !

Edited by Newls (see edit history)
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