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Customer Service reply email have From: 'u' instead of {shop_name}

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Please help:

I have checked the file /mails/en/account.html and it looks ok, uses <title>Message from {shop_name}</title> like the other email files.


All outgoing emails have Personality (From) 'shopname' Why do all reply emails send from customer service appear with Personality 'u' instead of the 'shop name'?


Something goes wrong sending emails in combination with the contact form.

Edited by swisss76 (see edit history)
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Here is a way to solve this problem.



However, it is not satisfying because it is hard-coding to send all email from a specific email address. I would still like to use the parameter {shop_name}


Does anyone know this issue and a solution? thanks.

Edited by swisss76 (see edit history)
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Here is a way to solve this problem.



However, it is not satisfying because it is hard-coding to send all email from a specific email address. I would still like to use the parameter {shop_name}


Does anyone know this issue and a solution? thanks.


I could solved this by the way given above. Instead to put an e-mail address, i put the name of my shop :)



Hola, yo pude resolver esto de acuerdo a la solución dada en el post anterior. En vez de poner una dirección de correo, puse el nombre de mi tienda!


$this->setFrom("shop name");

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I have a simular problem.


When I reply to a customer message in the customer service section, 

The mail which is sent has a sender name "s"  instead of the shop name.


It works fine when I sent a test mail from the backoffice option but only form customer service section it is wrong.


What could this be?

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I found some information concerning this problem which I posted to another thread: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/287916-odd-email-characters/


Sorry, I do not provide a solution there, but I think it narrows down the true cause of the problem. I am too new to PHP and PrestaShop to give an authoratative solution and am waiting for someone with more knowledge than me to answer.

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