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[SOLVED] How to place a banner at the very top of the page? (above the header)

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Hello, I am hoping someone can help me out, I have good html/css but I'm pretty much newbie on PS theme edits.


I want to place a banner Ad above the header, right at the top of the page above the logo and other header content.


I would like to use Minic Slider as my banner - it covers everything I want to do and is nice and simple. But if there is a good reason why that's not a good idea then I am happy to use a different option.


As far as I can see there is not a hook to place content there?


I am running latest ( PS. with the default theme with some small CSS edits.


Thanks in advance, appreciate any help or pointers.





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Hey Vekia, Thanks, appreciate the input. I followed the instructions and installed it but I had a problem, the slider is pushing stuff around *in* the header rather than being above it. It might be a CSS clearing issue? Any thoughts? Do you think that tweaking your modded slider is going to be quicker than putting Minic slider up there?


I am also asking this because I was planning to use the Homepage slider for products and the Minic slider for different purposes.


Thanks again and any further thoughts appreciated!



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Hi Vekia,


I have been picking through the front.tpl file in minic which is the presentational layer (unless I am making a mistake?) and looking at the html on the live test site using firebug and I can't locate any missing closing div tags? Am I missing something that you managed to pinpoint?

Edited by theothersimon (see edit history)
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Closing that div breaks a few things in the lay out. and still does not place the minic slider as the first content on the page. (If it helps, you can see it: www.lastindustries.co.uk/shop)


- in your opinion  would it be a quicker and more straightforward process to hard code it into the theme?

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Hi Vekia, thanks.


I have edited out the div as you have suggested, and now the cart related things in the header are visible, if a little out of place.. but the Minic slider is still not the first item on the page above the header. Am I doing something wrong?  


As before you can check out the progress on the same URL

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?? Vekia, I am not spamming I am just looking for help, and trying to be helpful to the one who was offering me help. I was honestly just trying to make it easier for you to check out the problem, to save you from going back through the thread. If I broke a protocol, it was an accident. Also there is nothing at the URL to spam about, it is my dev space.


Putting that aside - I still do not have a solution to my problem. I am jot expecting you or anyone to do it for me, but any suggested avenues of research would be gratefully received. I can't believe what I am trying to do is such an unusual thing but I haven't found any full answers or real clues even after searching the forum.

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in front.tpl file you've got code: 

{if $minicSlider.position == 'top'}

just remove it and in addition remove also code that we remove before

{if $minicSlider.position == 'top'}
        <div style="display:none;">

will see what's goin on then

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now use these styles:

#minic_slider {
position: absolute;
border: solid 1px #000;
height: 160px;
clear: both;
top: -170px;

this is a part of file: http://lastindustries.co.uk/shop/themes/Gosh03/css/global.css - line 3016


then, in global.css line 2271 use these styles:

#header_right {
position: relative;
float: left;
width: 100%;
min-height: 115px;
margin-top: 180px;


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  • 5 years later...
  On 9/24/2013 at 7:38 PM, vekia said:

i created modification of homeslider module: homeslider on top


you can use it and then go to modules > positions search for "displayTop" modules list and drag'n'drop this addon to the top of the list


Dear Vekia,

I just came across your comments in this old thread on placing banner on top of all pages.

I am trying to use the Banner Block module and I have hooked it to Display Top and dragged it to the top of the list of hooked modules there. But still the banner falls underneath my shop's logo and not on the very top!! Can you please help me with this.

Thank you,


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  • 1 year later...

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