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subcategories image size and location

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After putting images to subcategories (all the same size), prestashop resizes all to 80x80 px (size medium), like the screenshot in the below link.

From what I see does not use tables, because images are sometimes attached, sometimes very separate as they only consider the length of the name of the subfamily.

Is there any solution for images to be larger (without affecting other items on the web) and make it an uniform look? Thank you.


PD: Sorry for my bad english =P

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  • 3 months later...

this seems to be a common problem...
to resize the subcategory image go into preferences , image, then pick the problem image (category) and set the image size
In my case I wanted the image to be 530x228 pixels (you may want to go a bit wider) then re-upload your images.

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