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[SOLVED]How to position some image above the offerchat window, deafult theme?

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Hi guys,


I would like to position some image above the Vekia's hotinfo module and offerchat window in order to make chat more obvious.


It would be image of some kind like this one for example:

Here is the screenshot of where I need to place it:

Thank you in advance.


Edited by Dolke (see edit history)
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add somewhere in page source, for example to the header.tpl file right after <body> tag this code:

<img src="http://www.desk.com/resources/images/pages/features/integration/partner-livechat.jpg" width="220" style="position: fixed; right: -20px; bottom: 35px;">



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Hi Vekia,


I found about 2 issues with this and I hope you can help me out...

First issue is showed here: http://www.screencast.com/t/pJNepXHg
As you can see image "Live Chat" is behind footer background and I need image to be "always on top".

Second issue is that "Live Chat" image is visible even when I'm not logged on to OfferChat and live chat bar is not present on the website. I need image to follow actual chat dynamic and to be visible when chat is enabled and not hidden when chat is disabled.


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1) for first issue use:

<img src="http://www.desk.com/resources/images/pages/features/integration/partner-livechat.jpg" width="220" style="position: fixed; right: -20px; bottom: 35px; z-index:2;">

but in this case you will have to use different image, it's because it has got white background and it will looks weird, like:




2) it is a bit complicated because i don't know how offerchat works, i don't know offerchats API etc. Has it got API etc. ?

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I will make this image transparent PNG so this first one is solved.

I'm using small piece of code which I put inside header.tpl in order for chat to work. I know this second issue is a tricky one...

This is the code:

<!--start of Offerchat js code--><script type='text/javascript'>var ofc_key = '7108becdbbe5ec3dcc09473ec083cdca';(function(){  var oc = document.createElement('script'); oc.type = 'text/javascript'; oc.async = true;  oc.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + 'd1cpaygqxflr8n.cloudfront.net/p/js/widget.min.js?r=1';  var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(oc, s);}());</script><!--end of Offerchat js code-->

I hope this can help you to help me :)



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i said before that you have to insert image:

<img src="http://www.desk.com/resources/images/pages/features/integration/partner-livechat.jpg" width="220" style="position: fixed; right: -20px; bottom: 35px; z-index:2;">

just add there id="livechatgraphic"


<img id="livechatgraphic"  src="http://www.desk.com/resources/images/pages/features/integration/partner-livechat.jpg" width="220" style="position: fixed; right: -20px; bottom: 35px; z-index:2;">

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OK all done but I really don't know how to test it...

hm... I deleted the cookies and the browser cash but even though I'm not logged on OfferChat it is still showing the image.
I will go and log on to OfferChat dashboard and then sing out to see what happens...

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