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Different products by choosing different language?

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Hi there,

Just want to to know if it's possible to have different products when we select different languages in the frontend.

Like having two languages Portuguese and English and when we select Portuguese we see in the store the Portuguese products and when select English we just see the English products.

Thanks in advance.

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sorry I don't have it but basically in the adminproducts tab add another field that stores the language id for which product is available.

than, in front shop wherever selection from the products table are made use $cookie->id_lang to select the products (the products that have langID (field you created in products table) equal with cookie->id_lang)

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I doubt the above links will help in such a case

It's not straight forward to code, very few or none had encountered this need before, therefore you can't find a free answer and the reason is it takes time and time is scarce among programmers :)

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Hi there,

I haven't yet implemented it but from what i see Radu solution seems to work.
Now i am working in another projects but when i came back to this project i will share my implementation.

Don't know really when i will be back to Prestashop, maybe only in a couple of months... If somebody program the solution first please share the steps and the code with the rest of us.

Best regards.

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