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[SOLVED] Change font color in print prducts

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Dear Forum users,


I have a black background with white  color letters, now when i Use the print button at the products I see white background with light gray letters, I want to change the fornt color on the print version to balck can anyone help me out ????


Where do I find the font color for printing???


hello, any chance to check your website? if so, please share the url - i will inspect the code

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for me everything works fine, i can read text without any problem. but if you want to change font color

use this styles: div {color:black!important;} in:


(it's a part of global.css)

/* Printable version */
@media print {
    div {color:black!important;}
	div#left_column, div#right_column, div#footer, a.button, span.button , .button, ul#usefull_link_block, div#header_user, #languages_block_top, #search_block_top, #currencies_block_top, ul#header_links, ul.idTabs, #availability_statut br {
		display: none
	div#center_column { width: 100% }
	input.text { border: 1px solid gray }
	.block_hidden_only_for_screen { 
		display: block; 
		margin-top: 1em
	#more_info_sheets #idTab1 { width: 530px }
	* { 
		background: Black!important;
		background-color: white!important;
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