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maintenance and scenes

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In themes/prestashop/css I have:
- global.css
- maintenance.css
- scenes.css

I would like to know what is maintenance.css and scenes.css ? English isn't my nation language and I used translator to check what mean 'maintenance' but I still don't understand - could you use other word ? Where/For what this style is used ?

And what about scenes.css - when I heard scened I thought about theater ;) Could somebody use some description to tell me where this style is used ?

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  • 5 months later...

i supposed the names are appropriate for what they are meant for.
maintenance.css controls the maintenance.tpl and scene.css control scenes.tpl. Those files have their own functions. Maintenance is when your site is under maintainence work and those scene relates to the view of large/small image which seemed to include js functions on pages. for your basic theme tweaking you only need bother about global.css. that will be sufficient. anyone else have more to explain pls elaborate. thanks.

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