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How to fix this kind of error in db.php file?

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This error has happened after I deleted all the additional language : Chinese, Thai, Korean and then re added in back office.



Attached is the error report

DatabaseException.txtFetching info...


Once I restarted it seems to be normal but I think the problem is existing.


Another problem is I tried to manually translate module in backoffice but nothing changed and effective.


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Hi Xara (สวัสดี)

It looks like you have a module called 'Innovative Menu' or so that gives problems when adding new languages. maybe reset this module (Did you add many things to this 'menu'? Keep a record what you have to add/change then first!) and see if that helps.


About the translation.

Try the following:

Check with your host if they turned off/can turn off "mod_security" on your site. (Tell them it interferes with your e-commerce site)

There's also an option within Prestashop for it, but not sure if that works well. (Preferences->SEO&URLs. Scroll down to URL's block, last item here). You can try that first before you contact your host.


Hope this helps,


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Hi pascal,

I modified a module, but when I upload it I have a token error like:



Is there a way we can interpet the ....token=2bc96d1cd1dd9df62e2e3a16d5e51667 so to see what' s wrong?

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I had modified the horizontal menu which has a file named menutoplinks.class.php,

when I savedit with my editor it just saved menutoplinks.class,

and in this way I couldn't access admin/module and I had the error described above,


as for your problem:

check the translation folder in your module,

you should find a php file with the name of your language,

check that.

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Hi Presta,

the back office language is stored per employee. Login your back office and click My preferences at the top right. You go to your own employee -> edit page, where you can edit the language you want to use in back office. (probably still on Thai at the moment)


Hope this helps.


Were there other points still open?



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