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Problem in the Back Office of a Module

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I have a problem in the back office of a module. Top menus do not work (Catalogue, Orders, modules, etc. ..), and the header is out of position, this only happens in the back office of my module, and using Internet Explorer.

I wish to find a solution to this problem, if anyone knows why it happens.


I hope reply soon.

Thank you.

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Using the Version, in onwards, and fails in all.

One is in the back office, and in Internet Explorer.

I think it is not css or js problem, as I remove all html code and all Javascript and CSS code, and the back office is empty except the top menus, And these still do not work.

Attached Screenshots, standard back office, and back office without code.

I would appreciate some help.


I await your reply soon.

Thank you.


Edited by coldmind (see edit history)
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The module works perfectly in all browsers (Chrome, FireFox, Opera and Safari) fails only in Internet Explorer.

It might not be compatible with Prestashop 1.5.x

The browser console shows the error: HTML1114, I attached screenshot.

Can it be a bug in the MetaTags of the page?

If that were the "Metas", I would like to know what are the Meta Tags suitable for my url.



Edited by coldmind (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...


Module menu and payment in backoffice not opening and redirects to admin login page 

It was working fine but after trying to install a dboptimization.zip file (module) it is redirecting to admin login page.


Can any body help me.




try to clear your browser cache first

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Thank you vekia


I am glad you responded to my problem and helped me in solving it. The module I installed was defective and had to be deleted, now its working fine.


But the major issues I find is-


1) Category page and sub category page description is appearing in two column/ rows and the more and hide function is not working if it is long.


The category tpl is as follows



        {if $category->description}
{if strlen($category->description) > 480}
<p class="cat_desc clearfix" id="category_description_short">{$category->description|truncate:900} <span onclick="$('#category_description_short').hide(); $('#category_description_full').show();" class="lnk_more_cat">{l s='More'} </span></p>
<p class="cat_desc clearfix" id="category_description_full" style="display:none">{$category->description}<span onclick="$('#category_description_short').show(); $('#category_description_full').hide();" class="lnk_more_cat close_cat">{l s='Hide'} </span></p>
<p class="cat_desc clearfix">{$category->description}</p>


2) The newsletter subscription module is seen no were even after re installing.


Can you help me with this.



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1) it is possible to check it live? your website is online?

2) under modules > positions tab in back office you've got list od modules attached to all possible "positions" in the store. Does the newsletter module appear on these positions lists?

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1) I see two ways of coding, one the PascalVG way and the other the Maximo88 ( which is more similar to the coding i have) replaced <p by <div.


2) When I tried to hook Newsletter block to right column the following message appeared.

This module cannot be transplanted to this hook



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2) open newsletter module file:



before last bracket }


add this code:

public function hookDisplayRightColumn($params)
		return $this->display(__FILE__, 'blocknewsletter.tpl');

then try to transplant module with transplant feature in back office (modules > positions tab)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Millos,


Can you help me with the following problem,


1)    I am receiving the error message as below when trying to go to the listed product description page from category section. 


When going to category - fashion- saree or skirt and click on any product to view the product description page.The following error message showing:


Error: Access denied for user 'fastylco'@'localhost' (using password: NO)


This is something new which has developed, was working alright earlier. I was uploading the products when i detected the snag yesterday.


When I contacted the host provider they replied as below:


It seems like it is designed to connect to a database but the password has not been provided. You would need to update your script to have the database name, username and password in it so it can establish a connection.


2) When I am trying to test the Forgot Your Password button on the login page it is showing a blank white screen. Know idea what is happening.


Thank you 





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The first problem was due to some wrong coding in product rating module. After deleting this module the link is working fine.


But still facing the issue with "Forgot Your Password" button on the login page,when you try to retrive the lost password for your registered Email it is showing a blank white screen.



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