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Is there anyone here who knows anything about CronJobs 1.5.5?

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but get the following message:

Error: 30 second time limit exceeded

No HTTP response er received. Maybe due to a timeout ...

In my prestashop reads:

"You can edit these limits in your php.ini. For more details, please contact your hosting providers."

However, there is no php.ini

By contacting my provider I get the message that I need to change the timeout in the cronjob line, but how do I do it?


Edited by mfj31dk (see edit history)
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they said:



You can edit these limits in your php.ini. For more details, please contact your hosting providers.

it mean that you can change it in php.ini file, you should try to create this file in root dir of your account


insert there this command: (1000 is a value of max execution time in seconds - it mean 1000 seconds)

max_execution_time = 1000;
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        I am running the abanadoned shopping cart software and have set up the following command in cron jobs php -f /home/sportsfa/public_html/modules/cartabandonment/send.php e01abf5703c7c5dc54f01fe1ab57b771 >/dev/null 2>&1


it says that it was successfull and my test reminders are going to my email. However I am getting no other statistics for and abandoned cart even when I manually delete an item. I have the first deadline reminder at 10 hours. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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