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[SOLVED] how to personalize email...

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Since i updated prestashop to 1.5.6 my mail folder has changed (have no clue about this) and i haven't been able to edit mails translations anymore throught the "localization > translation" tool, since an error occurred everytime i saved changes. If someone of you happens to have my same problem, simply edit html in your hosting, public_html/mails/lenguageToEdit/file.html

If you don't know what is the mail you need to edit, look for name's file throught "localization > translation". For example look for a keyword using browser searching tool, check what is the file's name and go to edit it in your hosting.

Edited by Kirin (see edit history)
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No, allora. Vai nella tab "Localizzazione > Traduzioni".

Dal menù a tendina scegli "Modello di traduzioni email" e sul menù a tendina subito accanto (a destra) controlla che sia selezionato il template che stai usando: se non è così, selezionalo, poi clicca sulla bandierina accanto. Cliccando una o due volte sul bottone sottostante ti consiglio di fare "Espandi tutti i fieldset". Puoi ricercare la mail che ti occorre modificare tramite il tool di ricerca del browser (per esempio da Firefox dai Modifica > Trova, oppure da Chrome clicca sul menù, le tre barrette solitamente sulla destra, e scegli Trova). Per trovare la mail puoi inserire come parole di ricerca un pezzetto di frase che compare nella mail. A quel punto ti compaiono due versioni della mail, il .txt sotto e l'.html sopra. In mezzo clicca sul bottone "Modifica questo template email" e modifica a tuo piacimento la mail. Poi sulla destra salvi le modifiche. Se ci sono problemi chiedi pure.


Go to Localization > Translations.

From menu select email translations, and next to that select your template, then click on the flag. Find your email, click on the button "edit email" between .txt and .html version of the same email, edit the superior text and save changes.

Edited by Kirin (see edit history)
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Since i updated prestashop to 1.5.6 my mail folder has changed (have no clue about this) and i haven't been able to edit mails translations anymore throught the "localization > translation" tool, since an error occurred everytime i saved changes. If someone of you happens to have my same problem, simply edit html in your hosting, public_html/mails/lenguageToEdit/file.html

If you don't know what is the mail you need to edit, look for name's file throught "localization > translation". For example look for a keyword using browser searching tool, check what is the file's name and go to edit it in your hosting.

1.5.6 ? from where you downloaded it? it's an official release?

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