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Themes in future releases

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Hello all,

May be a stupid question but does anyone know if themes are going to work as they do now in future releases?

The only reason I am asking is I am pre-empting the "major" yearly events (Bonfire Night, Halloween, Xmas, etc) but don't want to put in loads of work if the structure of themes will change in the near future.

They are nothing special. Just CSS and Image manipulation so don't see any major issues but just thought I would check before I go any further.

Obviously I will put what I create up for others to use if they so wish but I thought of this potential problem whilst halfway through Halloween.

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Of course, even if new features are added in new releases, old theme will always worked.

In fact, we have many client with their own theme, and we regulary update their shop (new release), and their theme stay tuned everytime.

But you should update them to have new features...

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