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Código de transacción. Solucionado


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Haber si alguien puede ayudarnos , hemos comprado una plantilla en prestashop addoms y no podemos instalarla. Nos pide un código de transacción que ni yo ni el programador logramos encontrar. En el mail que nos enviaron de descarga de la plantilla tampoco aparece.

Hemos enviado varios mails y no hay manera que nadie nos responda.

Alguien puede ayudarnos?

Edited by esther13 (see edit history)
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Esto es lo que le pide al programador para descomprimirlo, y no hay manera de encontrar este código



For security reasons the directory containing all the source files of the template (\"SOURCES_XXXXXXXX\") is in a compressed (zipped) file and password protected.

To uncompress (unzip) a password protected ZIP file you will need to have a zip file utility program installed and a password. As soon as the zip file begins to uncompress, you will be prompted to type in a password . The password is the Transaction ID number of your order (a long number with letters and digits). You can find this number on the order page which will be provided to you through a link that we sent to you via email. Please help us to preserve the quality and uniqueness of our products by not uploading \"SOURCES_XXXXXXXX\" directories either zipped or unzipped to the server.





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For security reasons the directory containing all the source files of the template (\"SOURCES_XXXXXXXX\") is in a compressed (zipped) file and password protected. 

To uncompress (unzip) a password protected ZIP file you will need to have a zip file utility program installed and a password. As soon as the zip file begins to uncompress, you will be prompted to type in a password . The password is the Transaction ID number of your order (a long number with letters and digits). You can find this number on the order page which will be provided to you through a link that we sent to you via email. Please help us to preserve the quality and uniqueness of our products by not uploading \"SOURCES_XXXXXXXX\" directories either zipped or unzipped to the server. 



el problema es que este mail no nos ha llegado y nos han respondido de prestashop addomsn que nos pongamos en contacto con 

http://chat.template-help.com/ y para poder acceder nos piden el mismo numero.

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For security reasons the directory containing all the source files of the template (\"SOURCES_XXXXXXXX\") is in a compressed (zipped) file and password protected. 
To uncompress (unzip) a password protected ZIP file you will need to have a zip file utility program installed and a password. As soon as the zip file begins to uncompress, you will be prompted to type in a password . The password is the Transaction ID number of your order (a long number with letters and digits). You can find this number on the order page which will be provided to you through a link that we sent to you via email. Please help us to preserve the quality and uniqueness of our products by not uploading \"SOURCES_XXXXXXXX\" directories either zipped or unzipped to the server. 
el problema es que este mail no nos ha llegado y nos han respondido de prestashop addomsn que nos pongamos en contacto con 
http://chat.template-help.com/ y para poder acceder nos piden el mismo numero.



¿Pero ha compra ha quedado registrado en el historial de pedidos, no puedes verlo ahi?

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Estimada esther13,


Si das el tema como solucionado, edita el titulo del tema, editando el primer mensaje, pulsando en editar, y después en "Usar editor completo", añadiendo la palabra "Solucionado" al titulo, esto ayudara, a mantener una mayor organización en el foro.


PD: Sino consigues añadir la palabra "Solucionado" al título del tema, aquí: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/269515-solucionado-%C2%BFcomo-poner-la-palabra-solucionado-en-el-titulo-del-tema/ tienes una guía gráfica.

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